
aisle The aisle was wide enough for only one person. booth He went into the telephone booth to call his wife. bulletin Sports bulletins and weather bulletins are published in most newspapers. corpse A man has reported to the police that he saw a corpse under the bridge. extracurricular Swimming and skating are popular extracurricular activities in our high school. garage You'd better keep your car in a garage while it's snowing. knob He turned the door knob to open the door. license While driving a car, you have to carry your driver's license with you. parallel Parallel lines run side by side, but never get nearer to or farther away from each other. skeleton The skeleton of the missing man was discovered in the cave tariff There is a very high tariff on imported jewelry. tickle She tickled the baby's feet and made him laugh. tray The waiter carried the dishes on a tray.
aisle n.走道 这走道宽得只能容一人走。 booth n.哨岗;电话亭 他走进电话亭,给他妻子打电话。 bulletin n.快报 大部分报纸都刊登体育快报和天气快报。 corpse n.尸体 有个人向警方报告说他在桥下看到一具尸体。 extracurricular adj.课外的 在我们高中学校里,游泳和溜冰是很受欢迎的课外活动。 garage n.汽车间;修车厂 下雪时,你最好把你的车放在车库里。 knob n.圆形或球形门柄 他旋转门柄以开门。 license n.执照 开车时,你必须随身携带驾执照。 parallel adj.平行的 平行线并行地延伸,但彼此间永不互相靠近或远离。 skeleton n.骨骼 在洞穴中发现了那个失踪者的骸骨。 tariff n.关税 进口宝石类的关税很高。 tickle v.搔痒 她搔孩子的脚,使他发笑。 tray n.盘 侍者用盘子端来菜肴。