
bullet The captain was killed in the battle by an enemy's bullet. congressman Mary is very proud of her father, who is a congressman. flake The snow is falling on the ground in large flakes. index The teacher taught the pupils how to use the index of their textbook. nuisance Don't make a nuisance of yourself, sit down and be quiet! panic When the theater caught fire, there was panic in the audience. scramble We scrambled up the rock for a better look at the sea. When the money fell on the floor, everyone scrambled to get some. squeeze She squeezed the juice out of several oranges. strait This ship sails through the Strait of Gibraltar, where the water is often rough. submarine The submarine will soon rise to the surface of water. vehicle The Main Street is crowded with vehicles every morning. weave My mother is weaving a winter sweater for me. Zinc Zinc is combined with copper to make brass.
bullet n.枪弹 队长在战争中被敌人的枪弹射死。 congressman n.国会议员 玛丽以父亲为荣,因为他是名国会议员。 flake n.薄片 雪大片大片地落在地上。 index n.索引 老师教学生如何使用教科书的索引。 nuisance 别做让人讨厌的人,坐下来保持安静! panic n.惊慌 戏院着火时,观众一阵惊慌。 scramble v.1.爬 2.争夺 我们爬上岩石为了欣赏更美的海景。 当钱落在地板上时,大家都去抢。 squeeze v.压榨 她从几个橙子中榨出汁来。 strait n.海峡 船航行经过直布罗陀海峡,那儿的海上常有风暴。 submarine n.潜水艇 这艘潜水艇很快会浮到水面上。 vehicle n.车;交通工具 每天早上大街上都挤满了车。 weave v.织 母亲正在给我织一件冬天的毛衣。 zinc n.锌 锌和铜结合在一起就成了黄铜。