
blink She blinked her eyes as the bright light shone on her. As the ship drew near to port in the darkness, we could see the lights blinking on land. earthquake Many buildings were damaged or completely destroyed by the earthquake last night. exploit The sergeant won the Medal of Honor for his exploits during World War II. They are planning to exploit the oil under the sea. famine Many people died of hunger during the famine in India. fraud He carried out a number of frauds on trusting people who lent him money. murmur The children murmured as they memorized the poem. patrol Policemen patrol the city day and night so as to protect the lives and properties of the citizens. prime Safety is a matter of prime importance. recess There will be a short recess before the next meeting. reptile Some reptiles, such as snakes or lizards, move very fast. rustle Her long silk dress rustled as she walked down the stairs. scowl He scowled at me when I asked for more money. wretch The poor wretch asked for food and place to sleep in.
blink v.1.眨眼 2.闪烁 当明亮的光线照在她脸上时,她眨眼。 当船在黑暗中驶进港口,我们能够看到陆地上闪烁的灯光。 earthquake n.地震 许多建筑物因昨晚的地震而损伤或全毁。 exploit 1.n.功绩 2.v.开发 这名中士因他在二战中的功绩而赢得了荣誉奖章。 他们正计划去开发蕴藏在海里的石油。 famine n.饥荒 在印度大饥荒期间,许多人死于饥饿。 fraud n.欺骗 他欺骗信赖他而借给他钱的人。 murmur v.低吟 小孩们背诵诗时发出低吟。 patrol v.巡逻 为了保障市民生命财产的安全,警察日夜巡逻。 prime adj.首要的 安全第一。 recess n.休息期间 到下次开会之前有一段短暂的休会期。 reptile n.爬虫类 有些爬虫类,像蛇和蜥蜴,移动得非常快。 rustle v.发沙沙声 当她下楼梯时,她的丝质长裙发出沙沙声。 scowl v.蹙额 当我要求再多给我一点钱时,他向我皱眉。 wretch n.可怜的人 这穷苦的可怜人要求食物和一个睡觉的地方。