
abuse Don't abuse your health by working when you ought to be sleeping or resting. His abuse of power has turned his friends against him. brand What brand of cigarette do you want to smoke? On big farms, cattle are usually branded to identify the owner of them. compress Compressed air has a great deal of force when it released. corridor You will find Room 101 at the end of the corridor. hatch The spies hatched a scheme to steal government secrets. We hatch the eggs by keeping them in a warm place. imply Her letter implies that she wishes to meet you. logic Logic is not the science of belief, but the science of proof or evidence. merchandise The store has a large stock of merchandise. preside The mayor presided over the town meeting. procure They procured the money needed to build the hospital. The traitors procured the death of the prince. ruffle A sudden breeze ruffled the surface of the calm lake. soar The price of sugar soars when sugar is scare. surplus He kept enough corn to feed his cattle and sold the surplus.
abuse 1.v.滥用 2.n.滥用 别滥用你的健康而不眠不休地工作。 他的滥用权力使他的朋友转而反对他。 brand 1.n.品牌 2.v.烙印 你想抽什么牌子的香烟? 在大农场,牛通常被烙印以辨识其主人。 compress v.压缩 压缩空气被放出使,能产生很大的力量。 corridor n.走廊 在走廊的尽头你将找到101号房间。 hatch v.1.图谋;计划 2.孵 间谍们计划了一个阴谋来窃取政府的秘密。 我们将蛋保存在一个温暖的地方来孵化。 imply v.暗示 她的信暗示说她想见你。 logic n.逻辑;理学 逻辑不是信念的科学,而是证明或证据的科学。 merchandise n.商品 该店有大批的商品存货供应。 preside v.主持 市长主持市镇会议。 procure v.1.取得 2.促成 他们获得建筑医生所需要的钱。 卖国贼促成了王子之死。 ruffle v.弄绉 一阵突来的轻风吹皱平静的湖面。 soar v.高升 当糖缺乏时,其价格高涨。 Surplus n.剩余 他留下足够喂牛的谷物,并出售剩下的。