
appeal The government is appealing to everyone to save water. The music is too old-fashioned to appeal to people any longer. bustle There was a great bustle as the children got ready for the party. crave I'm craving for a cup of tea. I've not had one all day. discord Various discords have arisen in the university over this question. drill The English teacher gave the class plenty of drills in pronunciation. eventually We waited more than an hour for him, but eventually we had to leave without him. futile Please don't waste time by asking such futile questions. ingredient The ingredients of a cake usually include eggs, sugar, and flour. predict The weather service predicts heavy rain for tomorrow. raid During their raid on the house, the police found a lot of dangerous drugs. repel The enemy in the city was repelled by our troops. rouse The speaker tried to rouse the masses from their lack of interest. tolerate I can't tolerant your bad manners any more. utmost She was standing at the utmost edge of the cliff to kill herself.
appeal v. 1.恳请 2.吸引 政府恳请大家节约用水。 这音乐太过时了,不再吸引人。 bustle n.喧扰的活动 当孩子们准备宴会时,起了很大的骚动。 crave v.渴望 我想要一杯茶,我一整天都没喝茶了。 discord n.争论 这个问题在大学中引发了许多争论。 drill n.练习 英文老师给班上学生作了许多发音练习。 eventually adv.最后 我们等他一个多小时,但最后还是得离开,没等他。 futile adj.无用的 请勿浪费时间问这种无用的问题。 ingredient n.成分 蛋糕的成分通常包括蛋、糖和面粉。 predict v.预测 气象服务台预测明天有大雨。 raid n.突然搜索 警察突然搜查到他们的房子,发现了很多危险药品。 repel v.击退 城里的敌人被我们的军队击退。 rouse v.激励 这演说者尝试着激起大众失去的兴趣。 tolerate v.容忍 我再也无法忍受你恶劣的态度。 utmost adj.极端的 她站在悬崖最边缘处想自杀。