450)=450"> 本文选自雅思听力Section 2,难度一般 Summary:该广播节目介绍了国家艺术中心的内部构造、发展史、现有活动安排及其举办时间、价格等情况。艺术中心在战争年代被摧毁,但之后又被当地居民重建。该艺术中心几乎全年无袖开放。重点介绍了最近的各种表演活动,详细阐述举办时间、地点、票价、大致内容等情况。 HINTS Focus on the Arts Dave Green The National Arts Centre 全文听写,英式拼法 订阅节目更方便
Hello, and welcome to Focus on the Arts. I'm your host, Dave Green, and this is your very own local radio programme. Every Friday evening we put the spotlight on different arts and culture facilities, and look at the shows and events that are on offer in the coming week. And today the focus is on The National Arts Centre. Now, if you don't already know it yourself, I'm sure you've all heard of it. It's famous throughout the world as one of the major venues for classical music. But did you know that it is actually much more than just a place to hear concerts? The centre itself is a huge complex that caters for a great range of arts. Under a single roof it houses concert rooms, theatres, cinemas, art galleries and a wonderful public library, as well as service facilities including three restaurants and a bookshop. So at any one time, the choice of entertainment there is simply enormous. So, how did they manage to build such a big arts complex right in the heart of the city? Well, the area was completely destroyed by bombs during the war in 1940. So the opportunity was taken to create a cultural centre that would be, what they called, "the City's gift to the Nation".
大家好,欢迎来到艺术焦点。我是主持人,Dave Green,这里是你的地方之声。每周五晚上我们将关注不同的艺术文化设施,并关注即将到来的一周里所要发生的重大事件。 今天我们聚焦在国家艺术中心。现在,如果你认为自己不知道这里,我可以肯定的告诉你你一定曾经听说过它。它作为古典音乐集结地之一举世闻名。 但是你知道这里确切来说不仅仅是一个听演奏会的地方吗?这个中心本身是一个提供许多不同有关艺术的各种服务的雄大复杂的社交场所。在单一的屋檐下,它包含了演播厅,剧院,电影院,美术馆和一个很棒的公共图书馆,还有包括3个饭店和一个书店的服务性场所。因此在任何时候,人们的娱乐选择的确是很广。 因此,过去的人们是怎样策划在城市中心建立这样一个艺术殿堂的呢?这个地区在1940年的战争中被炸弹完全摧毁了。因此,人们借这个机会创造了可以被称作“这个城市对国家的馈赠”的文化中心。 ——译文来自: sherry139