450)=450"> 本文选自雅思听力Section 1,难度比较简单 HINTS Country Comfort Albury 648 Dean Street D-E-A-N 全文听写,英式拼法 订阅节目更方便
Well, we also offer ironing equipment in the room. That's useful, I think. Great. Could you tell me the address? How do we get there? Yes. It's Country Comfort Albury, at 648 Dean Street, New South Wales. 648 Dean Street, D-E-A-N, is that right? Yes. Well, I wonder what activities are available there in this season. You know, we want to have an indulgent weekend in the boring winter. Oh, you'll not get bored here. First, we have installed in-housing movies, which provide excellent plays and dramas. Well, we don't think we need that, because of the kid, you know. We don't want him to see movies on the weekend. Then, Albury is the perfect base for alpine skiing.