450)=450">故事讲述玫瑰镇(Rosewood Day)镇中学的社交女王Alison失踪一年后,她的四位好友--Spencer,Hanna,Aria和Emily。突然收到一条署名为「A」的神秘短信。「A」威胁说要揭发这四位美少女的秘密--包括她们隐藏了很久的、只有Alison才知道的秘密。 详情戳我看美少女谎言第一季第2集>>
XMzQ0NzAyMDky/ <听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> Emily'mom: You all right?It's all gonna be okay.I promise you. Everything's gonna get back to normal. Emily:      1    . Emily'mom:You've been missing her for a whole year.You know, that's a lot to take on. Emily : It's not just that.I think there's something wrong with me. Emily'mom:Honey, there's nothing wrong with you. You lost a dear friend. You need to find a way to say goodbye.      2    . Have you talked to them? Have you told 'em how you feel? Emily: In some ways, finding out ali is really gone. Has brought us back together...But it's still not what it used to be. Emily'mom: Why? Emily: We were friends because of ali. Emily'mom: Then use her to get close again.      3    . 【这是新的美少女谎言节目,每天下午3点更新】 450)=450">【美少女谎言】的节目,欢迎订阅~
I don't know what normal feels like anymore. What about reaching out to the other girls? You guys need to find a way to say goodbye together.
我都快忘了正常生活是神马样子。 要不你和其他姐妹聊聊? 你们都需要找一个方式去说再见。