


Winning isn't eveything
John Landy of Austria set a world record for the one-mile race in 1954. But he is best remembered for the 1956 Melbourne Games. There, during a race, some runners fell. John stopped running to see if anyone was injured. Although he was behind in the race, he started running again. He passed the other runners and went on to win the race!

Don't give up
In the 1992 Barcelona Games, British runner Derek Redmond was set to win the men's 400-meter race. The tragedy struck. Derek tore a muscle in his leg and fell. Then, to everyone's surprise, he got to his feet and began hobbling down the track. His father ran to help him. Despite the injury, Derek finished the race. By doing so, he became an Olympic hero.

To these athletes, winning was not what mattered the most. They show the importance of participation and good sportsmanship. And that's what makes great athletes Olympic heroes.


Word Bank:


The flight between the two men left both injured .

The car accident was a terrible tragedy. Several people were killed.

His foot was badly hurt, so he had to hobble whenever he walked.

It has been wonderful to see so much community participation at these charity events.