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Wild animals have also come to the aid of humans. Last year, California surfer Todd Endris was on his surfboard when a shark appeared. The shark attacked Todd three times, peeling away the skin on his back and biting his leg to the bone.But as the shark turned to come at Todd a fourth time, a group of dolphins swam to the surfer's rescue. They encircled Todd and beat the water with their fins and tails, scaring away the 15-foot shark. Because of their protection, Todd survived to tell about the heroes that had saved his life.

In 1996, some visitors at a Chicago zoo were watching 8-year-old gorilla Binti Jua and her daughter, Koola. Suddenly, a 3-year-old boy fell over the railing in to the gorilla exhibit. Zoo officials were called immediately, but before they could reach the child, Binti Jua gently picked up the unconscious boy. Cradling him close, she walked over and carefully placed him where officials could reach him.

Through heroic acts, by soothing us or by making us healthier, animals help improve our lives.

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Word Bank:

Many surfers go to the North Shore of Oahu in the winter to surf the big waves.

The police encircled the bank robber's car and demanded that he throw his gun out the window.

The average male gorilla eats up to 18 kilograms of food a day.

Be sure all the railings in your home are fixed tightly to the walls.

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