

Everyone is willing to be an olympic volunteer.

Conversation B
Mark: Does anyone want to go see the dingoes?
Dan: The dingo is Australis’s only kind of wild dog.
Mark: You’re like a walking encyclopedia today.
Grace: I think we should go to the koala area now.
Dan: But we don’t need to be there until 2:00.
Grace: Well, Mrs. Peterson might be early. And you can take a picture with a koala while you wait.
Mark: Oh, OK.
(They go to the koala area.)

Conversation C
(A little later)
Katie: Mark, you look so cute with that coala.
Dan: I think mark is cute without a koala. Don’t you, Katie?
Katie: No, I well, yes, but Dan!
Mark: So what questions should we ask Mrs. Peterson?
(A lady near them looks over.)
Dan: How about, “Why did you name your koala princess?”
Lady: Because she is my princess! I adore my sweet baby!
Grace: Mrs. Peterson!

Key words
This is dad’s work area. Please stay away from it.

Take a picture (idiom)
Nick bought a new camera. Now he takes pictures of everything!

Tom adores amy. He wants to marry her.