

After returning home, the Moritzes began working on a plan to create a nonprofit organization for needy children around the world. In the fall of 1994, they officially established their organization:Hearts of the Father Outreach.

Sooner after, the Moritzes learned about an orphanage in central Mexico that had recently lost funding. Supporting that home became the first of many Hearts of the Father Outreach(HFO) projects.

HFO has distributed over US$2 million to help more than 1,000 orphans in seven developing countries, including Uganda and India. HFO continues to establish and support orphanages, start foster care programs and give out thousands of Christmas presents each year.

The love that the Moritzes have given has returned to them in a special way. In March 1997, John and Libby adopted a baby girl. Lily Joy, now 12, has truly"...turned our sorrow into joy," says Libby.

The Moritzes believe that by establishing homes of refuge for needy children, they have found a purpose for their lives. "Helping kids has helped us heal," says John.

Word Bank:

nonprofit (v) 非营利的
The goal of this nonprofit organization is to help the poor people in this community, not to make money.

funding (n) 资金
If Jim doesn't receive government funding for his research project, he won't have enough money to do it.

developing country (n) 发展中国家
Most people in developing countries rely on farming as their source of income.

refuge (n) 收容所;庇护之家
During the typhoon, the Red Cross set up a large shelter to serve as a refuge from the storm. 


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