Stefan不见了,Damon急死了,原来Damon这么关心他弟弟啊,后面还冒险去救他呢~~直接导致的结果是,Damon的话我一句也没听清楚~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻

老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻...
Damon: You're ignoring me.
Elena: The 6 missed calls? Sorry. ________1________
Damon: Is Stefan here?
Elena: No. Why? ________2________
Damon: He went out to the woods and didn't come back. I can't get him on his phone. I figure he was here with you.
Elena: ________3________ ________4________
Damon: You're not going to like what I'm thinking.
My phone is dead. Something wrong? It's going straight to voicemail. Where could he be?
Damon:你不接我电话。 Elena:6个未接来电? 对不起,我的电话坏了。 Damon: Stefan在这吗? Elena:不在。怎么了?出什么事了吗? Damon:他去了树林里就一直没回来。我打不通他的电话,我以为他和你在这儿呢。 Elena:直接转到语音信箱了,他能去哪里呢? Damon:说出来怕吓着你。