

老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻...
Lexi:Ah, the famous Elena.
Elena: Towel girl.
Lexi: I've been called worse. here.
Elena: _________1__________
Lexi: Oh, yeah. It helps curb the cravings, but makes for a lot of lushy vamps.
Elena: You know, I've never seen Stefan drunk. He always seems so...
Lexi: Uptight?
Elena: Yeah. - yeah. But not with you.
Lexi: __________2___________ You can just be yourself.
Elena: Yeah, he can't be himself with me
Lexi: Well, Not yet. The first step was him telling you. The rest comes with time.
Elena: You seem so sure.
Lexi: The love of my life was human. He went through what I imagine you're going through -- denial, anger, et cetera. __________3__________ Are you gonna drink that?
Elena: Oh. no, go for it. I'm scared.
Lexi: But you're here... 'Cause you're crazy about him. I get it, ok? I mean, what's not to love? Listen. Take it from someone who's been around a long time. When it's real, you can't walk away.
Elena: Hey, Lexi. ________4________
I didn't know that you guys could drink. Well, that's the benefit of knowing someone for over 100 years. But at the end of the day, love really did conquer all. It was really nice meeting you.
Lexi:啊,这不是有名的Elena么 ? Elena:浴巾女生。 Lexi:我听过更难听的绰号呢。给你。 Elena:我不知道原来你们(吸血鬼)还能喝酒。 Lexi:恩喝酒可以帮助压制欲望。但只对嗜酒的吸血鬼有用。curb: 抑制 craving: 渴望lushy: 嫩的;青翠的【俚语】喝醉的,醉汉 Elena:我从来没见Stefan喝过。他看上去总是很... Lexi:紧张? Elena:嗯是啊,除了跟你在一起时。 Lexi:这就是能跟某人认识 100年以上的好处。你可以展露本性。 Elena:嗯,他在我面前就没有这么随意。 Lexi:只是还没到时候,首先他得告诉你,之后就要靠时间了。 Elena:你怎么这么肯定。 Lexi:我一生的挚爱是个人类。他经历过-- 我想象中你正经历的,否认,愤怒等等。但最后爱情还是战胜了一切。你要喝吗? denial: 否认 et cetera: 等等 cetera: 其余,其他conquer: 战胜,征服 Elena:不了,你喝吧。我很害怕。 Lexi:但你还是来了这里。就是因为你很爱他对吗? 我懂,我是说,怎么会不爱呢?听着,接受那个在你身旁守护了很久的人的爱,趁它还现实的时候不要离开。 Elena:嗨,Lexi,很高兴能见到你。