流星晚会后,Elena还是忍不住来找Stefan了,这次Stefan总算是抓住机会咯~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻


老规矩:不标号,一空一段哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻
Stefan: Would you like to come in?
Elena: The comet's actually this way. ________1________ Especially after earlier.
Stefan: No, no. I'm glad you're here. The way we left things... ________2________
Elena: See, the thing is, I got home tonight planning on doing what I always do. Write in my diary, like I have been since my mom gave me one when I was 10. It's where I get everything out, everything I'm feeling. It all goes in this little book that I hide on the second shelf behind this really hideous ceramic mermaid. But then I realized that I'd just be writing things that I should probably be telling you.
Stefan: ________3________
Elena: I would write... "Dear diary, today I convinced myself it was ok to give up. ________4________ Stick with the status quo. No drama, now is just not the time." But my reasons aren't reasons, they're excuses. ________5________ And the truth is that... I'm scared, Stefan. I'm scared that if I let myself be happy for even one moment that... the world's just going to come crashing down, and I... I don't know if I can survive that.
Stefan: ________6________
Stefan:I met a girl. We talked. It was epic. But then the sun came up and reality set in. Well, this is reality. Right here.
Sorry for barging in. I didn't like it. What would you write? Don't take risks. All I'm doing is hiding from the truth. Do you want to know what I would write?
Stefan:你要进来吗? Elena:这边才能看到彗星。很抱歉突然来找你,尤其发生刚才的事之后。barge in: 闯入 Stefan:不,不,我很高兴你能来!我们不了了之,我不喜欢那样! Elena:是这样的,今晚回家我本想按惯例做事。写写日记,就像我10岁的时候我妈妈给我第一本的时候一样。这是我遇到的一切,我感受的一切,这全都在这本小本子里,我把它藏在书架二层,一个丑陋的搪瓷人鱼后面!但是我意识到我写的都是一些我想要跟你说的事。hideous: 可怕的 ceramic: 陶瓷 mermaid: 美人鱼 Stefan:你会写些什么? Elena:我会写... 亲爱的日记,今天,我说服自己可以放弃。不要冒险。维持现状,没有奇迹,现在不是时候。但是我的理由并非理由,而是借口!我所做的一切都是在逃避事实。而事实是... 我害怕,Stefan!我害怕,如果我让自己拥有片刻的快乐,那么... 整个世界都将崩塌,而我... 我却不知道我能否幸免!stick with: 坚持做 status quo: 现状crashing down: 朝下猛撞 Stefan:你想知道我要写什么吗?我见到一个女孩。我们交谈。这真是开心。但是太阳升起,重回现实。这就是事实,就在这里。