

Larry Lang


His pranks by then typically involved electronics. At one point he wired his house with speakers. But since speakers can also be used as microphones, he built a control room in his closet, where he could listen in on what was happening in other rooms. One night, when he had his headphones on and was listening in on his parents' bedroom, his father caught him and angrily demanded that he dismantle the system. He spent many evenings visiting the garage of Larry Lang, the engineer who lived down the street from his old house. Lang eventually gave Jobs the carbon microphone that had fascinated him, and he turned him on to Heathkits, those assemble-it-yourself kits for making ham radios and other electronic gear that were beloved by the soldering set back then. "Heathkits came with all the boards and parts color-coded, but the manual also explained the theory of how it operated," Jobs recalled. "It made you realize you could build and understand anything. Once you built a couple of radios, you'd see a TV in the catalogue and say, 'I can build that as well,' even if you didn't. I was very lucky, because when I was a kid both my dad and the Heathkits made me believe I could build anything."