据2006年正式发布的数据显示,Michael Jackson一生共为世界慈善事业捐款三亿美元。
Michael Jackson于1992年成立了“拯救世界”(“治愈世界”)基金会。
“拯救世界”基金会已经为20个国家的许多儿童提供了支持和援助。在这个星球上,只有他,才谱写出了这么多的慈善歌曲;只有他,才会每去一个地方就坚持去医院、孤儿院探望;只有他,才肯把大笔大笔的钱(共约三亿美金)捐给了慈善机构;只有他,才能够不顾流言诽谤,为儿童和环境事业孜孜不倦、坚持不懈;只有他——Michael Jackson。
2001年,Michael Jackson在牛津大学演讲,以拯救儿童为主题。


Hints: 一处破折号
I suppose I should start by listing my qualifications to speak before you this evening. Friends, I do not claim to have the academic expertise of other speakers who have addressed this hall, just as they could lay little claim at being adept at the moonwalk – and you know, Einstein in particular was really TERRIBLE at that. But I do have a claim to having experienced more places and cultures than most people will ever see. Human knowledge consists not only of libraries of parchment and ink – it is also comprised of the volumes of knowledge that are written on the human heart, chiseled on the human soul, and engraved on the human psyche. And friends, I have encountered so much in this relatively short life of mine that I still cannot believe I am only 42. I often tell Shmuley that in soul years I'm sure that I'm at least 80 – and tonight I even walk like I'm 80! So please harken to my message, because what I have to tell you tonight can bring healing to humanity and healing to our planet.
在开始我今晚的演讲之前,我想首先申明,为什么我有资格在此做演讲。朋友们,我并不具有其他来此做演讲的人所具有的学术专业知识,就像并不要求这些演讲者擅长太空步一样。而且你们都知道,爱因斯坦是学识方面权威。 但我可以说,跟大多数人相比,我游历了更多的地方,也经历了许多不同的文化。人类的知识并不仅仅包括图书馆里的典藏和由纸墨所记载的部分,还包括那些记在人们内心的,刻在人们灵魂深处和铭记在精神世界的大量知识。还有朋友们,在我相对较短暂的生命力,我经历了如此之多的事情,以至于我无法相信我只有42岁。我经常跟施慕礼说,我敢肯定我的心理年龄至少有80岁,而今晚我走路的样子更像个80岁的老人。那么就请大家仔细倾听我的演讲,因为今晚我所讲的内容,将救赎人性和我们的世界。 北京外国语大学 江涛教授译