据2006年正式发布的数据显示,Michael Jackson一生共为世界慈善事业捐款三亿美元。
Michael Jackson于1992年成立了“拯救世界”(“治愈世界”)基金会。
“拯救世界”基金会已经为20个国家的许多儿童提供了支持和援助。在这个星球上,只有他,才谱写出了这么多的慈善歌曲;只有他,才会每去一个地方就坚持去医院、孤儿院探望;只有他,才肯把大笔大笔的钱(共约三亿美金)捐给了慈善机构;只有他,才能够不顾流言诽谤,为儿童和环境事业孜孜不倦、坚持不懈;只有他——Michael Jackson。
2001年,Michael Jackson在牛津大学演讲,以拯救儿童为主题。

Hints: UK

Friends, let me paint a picture for you. Here is a typical day in America – __________1_______ 12 children under the age of 20 will die from firearms – remember this is a DAY, not a year – 399 kids will be arrested for drug abuse, 1,352 babies will be born to teen mothers. ________2________
Yes, in my country there is an epidemic of violence that parallels no other industrialized nation. These are the ways young people in America express their hurt and their anger. But don't think that there is not the same pain and anguish among their counterparts in the United Kingdom. _______3______This is how they have chosen to cope with the pain of neglect and emotional agony.

Six youths under the age of 20 will commit suicide. This is happening in one of the richest, most developed countries in the history of the world. Studies in this country show that every single hour, three teenagers in the UK inflict harm upon themselves, often by cutting or burning their bodies or taking an overdose.