

Anne Frank
That looks like a heavy book! It'll take ages to read. Actually, I've almost finished. It’s the diary of Anne Frank. The Jewish girl who was taken away by the Nazis in Holland? That's right. I think it has been perhaps the most moving book I've ever read. The diary was a birthday gift, right? I think she called it "Kitty". It was a gift for her 13th birthday, and while they were hiding in the tiny apartment above her father's spice shop, "Kitty" was her only friend, so she told her everything. Also, she dreamed of becoming a writer, so she took to writing a diary with ease. Her diary is now one of the most published books ever, and in over 60 different languages. What a life she must have led! Locked away in that tiny space with her whole family, day after day, year after year. Well, before they went into hiding Jews weren't allowed to do many things, for example, they had to wear a special yellow star, so everyone could see who they were. They weren't allowed to do much of anything that they used to be able to. They even had a curfew.