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This Day In History —— 经典历史新闻,回顾尘封史实

This Day in History – August 1st , 1942
Military Genius——Monty

Several months after General Bernard Law Montgomery took command of the British 8th Army on August 1st, 1942, his [-----1-----] at El Alamein pushed the Germans out of Nouth Africa and [-----2-----].

In 1945 as British Commander of Northern Europe, Monty accepted the [-----3-----] of Germany. [--4(短句)--], Monty was lavishly decorated and [-----5-----] to inspire his troops. Perhaps the most successful British General since Wellington, he never lost a battle.

The unconventional Montgomery later called for the withdrawl of Britain from the Middle East and to the day of his death, remained a symbol of Britain's WW2 [-----6-----].
decisive victory helped change the momentum of WW2 unconditional surrender The stern disciplinarian who frowned on drinking and smoking knighted for his unquestioned ability combat
贝纳德.洛.蒙哥马利将军于1942年8月1日接过不列颠第八集团军指挥权,之后几个月,他在阿曼地区战役的决定性胜利迫使德国人撤离北非,这成为了二次世界大战的转机。 1945年,作为北约的不列颠指挥官,蒙哥马利接受了德国的无条件投降。作为对他和他的部队的嘉奖,这位经常皱着眉头抽烟喝酒的严厉的军事指挥官被授予爵位。他也许是威灵顿之后的最成功的不列颠将军,因为他还没有输过一场战斗。 之后,这位不走寻常路的蒙哥马利被下令从中东撤回不列颠。蒙哥马利将军留下英国二战历史上最荣耀的一页。 ——译文来自: ningninghan