Greece - Greek
Pavlos Tsimas
校稿 elftea
翻译 superabit
组长 方小异
Greece is suffering the costs of a huge public deficit. For over a year, the government has cut spending and increased taxes in an effort to improve its finances. Pavlos Tsimas is a journalist based in Greece. He recently made a documentary about the increase in suicides. "We investigated the …
希腊正在承受公共财政赤字的巨大负担。一年多以来,政府已削减开支并增加税收以期能改善财政状况。 帕弗洛·特斯马斯是驻希腊的一名记者。最近他制作了一部有关自杀率上升的纪录片。 特斯马斯说:“我们调查了克里特岛伊拉克利翁一位小商人的案例。 他先是把汽车装上汽油罐,再先行开枪自杀,然后整个汽车就被点燃。”…