
悉尼歌剧院是20世纪最具特色的建筑之一,也是世界著名的表演艺术中心,已成为悉尼市的标志性建筑。但它竟然不是澳大利亚人设计的~ 那会是谁呢?

Joern Utzon
Pritzker Prize
Nobel Prize
大家记得音频中出现的第一个opera house 要小写,其他都要大写哦~
After winning the competition for the opera house design, he must have spent a long time planning the Opera House, before he started building it. Actually, it took 15 years to build and the final cost was 14 times the original estimate. Wow! Why did it take so long to build? I think one of the reasons was because the roof was so top-heavy and nothing so daringly inclined had ever been built before. What happened to him later on? In 2003, at the age of 85, Joern Utzon was recognized by his peers and awarded the prestigious Pritzker Prize, regarded as the Nobel Prize of architecture. But perhaps the most unusual thing about him was that he never actually saw the Opera House in person. What if I want to watch something there, a musical or an opera, or something. What would you recommend? Various theatre performances and other cultural events are held at the Sydney Opera House. You should look at the Sydney Opera House website and check out what's on during your visit. That's a great idea.
D: 黛比 G: 哥勒恩 G: 赢得悉尼歌剧院设计大赛之后,他一定花了很长时间来做设计,然后才开始建设。 D: 事实上,建这个剧院共花了15年的时间,而且最后的花费是最初预算的14倍. G: 哇,怎么花了这么长的时间? D: 我想其中一个原因就是在此之前从没有建过象歌剧院那样的建筑,顶部重的出奇,倾斜度也很大. G:他后来怎么样了? D: 到了2003年,杰恩•伍重85岁时得到了同行的认可,获得了著名的普利兹克奖.这个奖被认为是建筑界的诺贝尔奖.但对他来说,最奇怪的是他从未亲自参观过悉尼歌剧院。 G: 我要是想去歌剧院看点什么,比如音乐剧或歌剧什么的话,你有什么可推荐的吗? D: 悉尼歌剧院上演各种戏剧并举办其他文化活动。你最好到悉尼歌剧院的网站上看看,查查在你参观期间会上演些什么节目。 G: 这个主意不错。