
悉尼歌剧院是20世纪最具特色的建筑之一,也是世界著名的表演艺术中心,已成为悉尼市的标志性建筑。但它竟然不是澳大利亚人设计的~ 那会是谁呢?


Opera House
Sydney Harbour
Bennelong Point
Joern Utzon
What are you planning to do on your trip to Australia? There are so many things to see, I'm not sure where to start. We're going to Sydney first. If you're going to Sydney, the first thing you should do is to visit the Opera House. The architecture is out of this world! Tell me some more about the Opera House, I’m a bit of an Australia novice! Well, it's situated in Sydney Harbour at Bennelong Point. It was opened in 1973 but it wasn't built by an Australian. Really? I've always thought it was built by a local. Joern Utzon is the Danish architect who entered and won the international competition announced in January 1956 to design it. Oh, I see. I wonder why I've never heard of him. So, was there a competition to select a designer? What did he win? He's only known for that building. His prize for the wining design was 5,000 Australian pounds. This was before they had Australian dollars.
D: 黛比 G: 哥勒恩 D: 这次澳大利亚之行, 你计划做些什么? G: 要参观的地方太多了,我也不知道从哪儿开始。我们首先会去悉尼. D: 你们要是去悉尼的话,第一个要参观的应当是悉尼歌剧院,这是举世闻名的建筑。 G: 给我多讲讲悉尼歌剧院吧,我对澳大利亚还真是不熟. D: 好的.歌剧院地处悉尼港的本纳隆角, 于1973开放, 但它的建筑师并不是澳大利亚本地人. G: 真的吗? 我一直都以为它是当地人建的. D: 丹麦建筑师杰恩•伍重参加了1956年月宣布的澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院的国际设计竞赛, 并最终获胜承担设计工作. G: 哦,是这样啊。我还纳闷怎么从没听说过他. 这么说那时举办过一次设计师选拔赛,对吗?他的奖品是什么? D: 他只是因为这个建筑而出名。这次设计他获得5000澳大利亚镑的奖金,这事发生在澳元被使用之前。