The Chronicle Almanac shows that new assistant professors in foreign language earned forty-eight thousand dollars last year. That was a little more than the national average for all education jobs. But averages do not tell the whole story. Sally Hadden is an associate professor of history and law a…
编年史年鉴显示,去年新外语助理教授的年薪是48000美元,仅比全国教育工作的平均工资高出一点。然而平均水平并不能说明一切。 萨利?海登是一名佛罗里达州塔拉哈西州立大学历史学兼法学的副教授,她指出,语言方面的教授一般来说要比其他学科(如工程学)的教授赚得少。但近期某些语言的教授,如阿拉伯语,就比西班牙语教授…