Today we answer a question from a listener who wants to become a Spanish professor. Orlando Carvajal asks how much professors earn in the United States. We looked in the almanac published by the Chronicle of Higher Education. It shows that the average salary for full professors last year was …
今天我们回答了一位名叫奥兰多·卡瓦尔听众的问题,他想成为一名西班牙语教授,他问在美国教授能赚多少钱。我们查看了《美国高等教育记事周报》,里面显示去年正教授的平均薪水是99000美元,副教授是70000美元,而助理教授则是59000美元。 与公立学院和大学相比,私立学校和独立学校支付的工资要高些。但是教授跟其他职业比…