Rio de Janeiro
Doctor Edelman noted that in a severe outbreak this year in Brazil, so many people got sick that hospitals in Rio de Janeiro state had to close. The army set up field hospitals in April and doctors came from other areas to help treat patients. In Vietnam, health officials say patients have sometimes…
医生Edelman提到今年在巴西爆发的一次严重疾病传播中,由于太多人生病以致里约热内卢州的医院不得不关闭。四月,部队建立战地医院,来自其他地区的医生过来救治病人。在越南,卫生部官员说由于病号太多,病人有时候不得不合用医院病床。 世界卫生组织表示登革热正蔓延到新的地区,且成为主要的疾病。例如委内瑞拉,去年该国…