In his weekly radio address, President Bush thanked U.S. troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan and their families for their sacrifices. "This Christmas, many will sit down for dinner thinking of their loved ones half a world away. These families deserve the thanks and the prayers of our whole natio…
在总统的每周之声演讲中,布什总统感谢驻扎于伊拉克和阿富汗的官兵以及他们的家人所作出的牺牲。“这个圣诞节,许多人会在聚餐时想起那些已逝的所爱之人。这些家庭值得我们整个国家对他们感谢和祈祷的。” 总统也为那些即使在逝去亲人之后,仍然以各种方式支持军队的家庭给予了特别的感谢。 在民主党之声演讲中,参议院多数…