Until now, the agency has said there were as many as 500,000,000 infections every year, with 1,000,000 deaths. The new report estimates the number of malaria cases in 2006 at about 250,000,000. And it estimates the number of deaths at 881,000. The great majority who die are young children. The W.H.…
世卫组织指出,截止到目前为止,每年有5亿人感染疟疾,其中有100万人死于疟疾。新发表的报告称,据估计,2006年约有2.5亿疟疾病例,死亡人数有88.1万,其中绝大多数都是儿童。 世界卫生组织说,旧的数据是使用了二十世纪六十年代的疟疾地图后得出的。但是变化已经发生了,包括人口向城市的迁移--特别是在亚洲。该疾病在城市…