Hint: Ndiaye
Doctor Ndiaye says babies who weigh less than 2 kilos get special attention from midwives who assist with the births. They teach the mother how to keep the baby wrapped to her chest. The health center has a Kangaroo Clinic, a special area for teaching this method. The mother's body heat is not th…
医生恩迪亚耶表示,在接生体重小于2公斤的新生儿时,助产师需要予以格外关注。他们教妈妈如何将宝宝包裹在自己的胸部。在健康中心有个袋鼠诊所,这里是从事教导袋鼠保育法的地方。母亲的体温不但有助于婴儿,并且她们的心跳有助于控制婴儿的呼吸节律。 医生恩迪亚耶说,有计划在塞内加尔国内推广此项方法。他也相信,让类…