Mr. Bush says he will press for more G8 funding to train African health care workers and assistance for those facing rising food prices in Africa and other developing nations. "At Toyako, I will also ask leaders of the G8 to make important strategic moves to alleviate hunger, such as …
布什总统表示他将向八国集团催款来训练非洲当地的医护人员,并且给那些受物价高涨影响的非洲和其他的发展中国家提供援助。 “在(日本洞爷湖)会上,我还将督促八国集团的领导做出重要的战略举措来减轻饥荒的现状,例如向那些有需要的国家增加粮食,肥料,种子等的发运量。这是一个我要说的问题。这也是帮助那些国家处理粮食…