红十字会秘书长Markus Niskala认为”纳尔吉斯”风暴是惨绝人寰的人道主义灾难。……
He says the heavy rains that are predicted in the coming days will make it even more difficult for aid workers to reach those in need. "I think it is already now almost impossible to reach by normal roads the areas because the ground is so soaked. This obviously is going to become even worse, "I wou…
他说,据预报未来几天的大雨将使救援人员到达对难民进行救援变得更为困难。 “我认为因为现在路面泥泞不堪,通过正常渠道进入灾区几乎不可能。而且,很明显,这(个情况)还会更糟糕。”他说。“我敢说现在每一天都非常重要。时间以天而不是周来计算。我们将要做的事情是必须应对(各种)气象情况。我们正从后勤的角度讨论几…