Doctor Fukuda
"By going to phase 6, what this would mean is that the spread of the virus is continued and that activity has become established in at least 2 regions of the world. It does not mean that the severity of the situation has increased or that people are getting seriously sick at higher numbers or higher…
甲型H1N1流感警告级别提至6级,这表明病毒继续扩散,而全球至少有两个地区确定了疫情警告提升至此级别。但这并不说明疫情的严重程度已加重或者说重病患者要比现在明显增多。 世界卫生组织助理总干事福田博士说,世卫组织正帮助各成员国做好应对这次疫情的准备。科学家在研制抗击这种新型病毒的疫苗。各国政府也全力协助抗病…