Hints: the Bureau of Land Management; Robin Rivello
People may have the idea that burros and donkeys do not like being told what to do. But experts say the animals are not being stubborn; they just like to take their time considering what they will do. In the United States, there are breeders who raise and sell burros. Or Americans can buy a burro t…
人们或许认为驮(畜)驴和驴不喜欢被人指使做事。但是,专家说这种动物并不是顽固不化的;它们只是喜欢需要时间思考要做的事情。 在美国,有人饲养并出售驮(畜)驴。或者,美国人可以从联邦代理商即土地管理局那里购买野生驮(畜)驴。购买者必须驯服野生驴。驯服是说训练野生驴接受人类给予的护理和照料。 驮驴喜欢互相…