Stefan和Elena在一起的时候都开始挣扎了,Elena很担心他就找来Damon商量...Damon开始变成个好痞子了呢~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻

老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻...
Elena: Oh, good. You're here.
Damon:You ask, I come. I'm easy like that. No, Elena, I will not... go to your bedroom with you. Ah... Just like I remembered.
Elena: Stop messing around.
Damon: You know, did you know that your uncle's been kicking it with the Founder's Council?
Elena: What?
Damon: Yep.
Elena: Perfect. We'll just add it to the growing list of how everything's falling apart.
Damon: _______1_______
Elena: Uh, nothing. Look, Damon, I... ______2______ He says that everything's ok, but he's clearly struggling. How long it gonna take before he's back to normal?
Damon: Few days, give or take.
Elena: It's been a few days.
Damon: Give then. I don't know. What's the big deal?
Elena: He's not himself, Damon.
Damon: Well, maybe his problem is he's spent too long not being himself.
Damon: It is what it is, Elena.
Elena: Hey.
Damon: The Stefan you know was "good behavior" Stefan, "reign it in" Stefan, fight against his nature to an annoyingly obsessive level Stefan, but if you think there's not another part to this, then you have not been paying attention.
Elena: He's not you, not even close.
Damon: Well, he doesn't wanna be me. __________4__________ Mm... hmm.
What happened right there? I'm worried about Stefan. Please don't make me sorry for asking you. But that doesn't mean deep down that he's not.
Elena:哦,太好了。你来了。 Damon:你让我来我就来,我就是这么好指使。不 Elena 我不会... 和你一起进房间的。啊... 和我记忆中的一样 Elena:别胡闹了 Damon:啊,你知道。你叔叔和创始人理事会的人吵架了吗? Elena:什么? Damon:是啊。 Elena:太棒了。还嫌一切不够分崩离析啊。fall apart: 崩溃;土崩瓦解 Damon:那边发生了什么? Elena:啊,没什么。听着 Damon,我很担心Stefan。他说他没事,但他明明在困境中挣扎。他还要多久才能恢复正常? Damon:大概再过几天。 Elena:已经好几天了。 Damon:那就再多几天,我也不知道。这有什么大不了的? Elena:他像变了一个人似的 Damon。 Damon:嗯。可能他的问题在于他已经好久都没有真正找回自己了。 Elena:别让我后悔找你帮忙。 Damon:事情就是如此 Elena。 Elena:嘿。 Damon:你认识的Stefan是一个表现良好能自我控制的Stefan,是一个坚持不懈地与自己本性作斗争的Stefan。但如果你发现了他的另外一面难以接受,说明你没注意到这点。 Elena:他可不是你和你完全不同。 Damon:嗯他也不会想和我一样,但从本质上说他和我还是一样,嗯哼。