
语言教学研究  香农(Shannon)信息编码定理Information theory  鲜花  茶叶  毛瑟火石的优化过程  SEED HUNTING 关于种子收集的问题  昆虫飞行翅膀进化   摄影术(Photography)与艺术的关系  Business Innovation   英国工程师建造桥梁  关于人类writing 的历史的研究   珍珠  古代钱币起源  航海(navigation)  植物净水  海洋计时器  恐龙研究  龙涎香  cosmetic   Virtual reality   手势语言  乌鸦制作工具  两种翻译形式  乐观与健康的关系  考拉  声音探测海洋  计时器  团队合作(TEAM WORK)  头脑风暴  水獭  海藻(algae)研究  照相和艺术  金星(Venus)凌日   非洲传统农业制度  指纹(fingerprinter)  英文拼写的重要性  蚂蚁防虫  澳洲的鹦鹉  人类对生物进化的影响  植物各种各样传播种子的方法(Seed travelling)  殴非大陆桥(the end of the road )  加拿大西部移民  折射定律



1.Students at schools and universities learn far more from lessons with teachers than from other sources (such as the Internet and television). To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2.If the product is of good quality and meets people’s needs, people will buy it. Therefore, advertising is unnecessary and is no more than a type of entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

3.Many developing countries are increasingly expanding their tourist industries. Why is this the case? Is it a positive development?

4.Some people think killing animals for food is cruel and unnecessary and some people think is essential for dairy diet ..... To extend what do you think about the both issues? some people think killing animals as food is cruel and unnessary. other people disagree because meat is essencial to people. discuss and give your oppinion

5.Nowadays, many charities and organisations have to publicise their activilities by giving a name to a particular day, such as National Children's day for encouraging treatment of children, National Non-smoking Day for encouraging people to give up smoking.Why do these charities and organisations do so?How effective can these special days be?

6.Some parents need to spend time on reading or telling stories to Children, while others think Children can read through a variety of sources, such as book, TV and internet by themselves.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

7.Everybody should stay in school until 18. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

8.Some people have benefited from modern communication technology, and some people haven’t benefited from it at all. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this point?

9.In some countries, small town-centre shops are out of business because people are driving to large out-of-town stores. As a result, people without cars have limit access to shops, so more and more people buy cars. Do you think advantages of this development outweigh disadvantages?

10.Some people say modern children's games do not develop a wide range of skills, while traditional games can be much better for developing such skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?