

Raj和Howard在争论谁更有机会追到终结者的女主角, Leonard自认“自家”的女人都搞不定,自动退出.Raj问Sheldon车上哪有酒卖,Sheldon又开始长篇大论起来.

RAJ: Hang on a sec. Why do you get first crack at her?

HOWARD: Um,well,let's see,couple reasons. One,I saw her first.

RAJ: No,you didn't. I did.

HOWARD: Fair enough. But... then,let me move on to #2. Unlike you,I can actually talk to women when I'm sober.

RAJ: You fail to take into account that even mute,I am foreign and exotic,while you,on the other hand,are frail and pasty.

HOWARD: Well,you know the old saying,Pasty and frail never fail.

LEONARD: Excuse me,but what about me? Why don't I get a shot?

HOWARD: Fine,go ahead. Take a shot.

LEONARD: You know,I've already got a gorgeous blonde back home at I can't score with. I think I'll let you two take this one.

RAJ:Sheldon,is there a place on this train to get alcohol?

SHELDON: Interesting that you ask. The Coast Starlight recently added the refurbished Pacific Parlour Car. Built in 1956 and originally known as the Santa Fe Lounge Car, - the lower level is a theater and the upper level

RAJ: Yeah-yeah, which way?

SHELDON: The upper is a bar that offers wine tastings if you're going as far as Portland.

LEONARD: So aren't you going to go talk to her?

HOWARD:I will,I'm just working on my opening line.

LEONARD: She's probably heard every possible line,Howard. Why don't you just try "hello"?

HOWARD: No,no,no,that always creeps girls out. I need to come up with something that's funny,smart and delicately suggests…


1. Fair enough. 有道理;说得对;敢情好

2. take into account考虑;重视;体谅

The salariesfail to take into account the various fringe benefits such as free telephone, free meals and travel perks. 该工资未能把各种附加福利如免费电话、免费进餐、旅行津贴等算进去。

3. get a shot把握机会,有机会,打针

He will get a shot at earning All-Star game MVP award if he chooses to play.


4. score with这里指有希望追到..

5. creep somebody out把人吓着

6. come提出;想出;赶上

Can we come up with a better alternative for handling this problem? 我们能不能想出更好的替代方案来处理这个问题呢?