看生活大爆炸学英语第二季第十七集(2) 我也没指望你能明白
Leonard提议去逗苹果店员, Sheldon却要“简化”整理衣物的打包过程(但貌似更复杂,连Leonard都没懂).到了火车上后Sheldon又开始滔滔不绝他的选座位理论, Leonard他们表示很无语.
LEONARD: Hey,we're all going over to the Apple store to make fun of the guys at the Genius Bar. You want to come?
SHELDON: Oh,I always enjoy that,but I'm a little busy.
LEONARD: What are you doing?
SHELDON: I'm simplifying the task of packing for our trip. See,by attaching RFID tags to my clothing,it will able my laptop to read and identify the items with this wand. I will then cross-reference them against destination,anticipated activity spectrum, weather conditions,duration of trip,et cetera.
LEONARD: Well,that does sound much simpler. How long is this going to take?
SHELDON: Assuming I can keep up this pace,three hours,11 minutes, and plus however long tak to conclude this fairly pointless conversation.
LEONARD: Teasing the guys at the Apple store seems a little redundant now.
SHELDON: I don't follow.
LEONARD: I wouldn't expect you to. I'll see you later.
SHELDON:Socks:one pair,cotton,argyle,blue. Socks: one pair,cotton,argyle,blue. What on earth are you doing?
RAJ: Whatever it is,I'm guessing we're doing it wrong.
SHELDON: Gentlemen,this is the Coast Starlight, one of the great American trains operating on one of the classic American routes. On this side,you'll see panoramic ocean vistas inaccessible to any other form of transportation, while on your side,you'll be treated to 350 miles of CostCos, Jiffy Lubes,and cinderblock homes with above-ground pools.
HOWARD: Come on,Raj.
RAJ: What's wrong with Jiffy Lubes?
1attach to依附,附属;加入;使依恋;把…放在attach oneself to 参加.attachment附件
2cross-referenceagainst 互相参照,相互对照
3 What on earth究竟是什么;到底是什么,加强语气
4 Coast Starlight海岸星光,穿越美国三个州:加利福尼亚、俄勒冈(Oregon)和华盛顿,途经三藩市、洛杉矶、圣荷西、奥克兰(Oakland)、波特兰(Portland)、西雅图等30多个重要城镇。
5vista 大家熟知的vista操作系统,但这单词还有风景的意思; 常用的电子邮件outlook express中outlook 是景色风景的意思; excel 微软办公软件之一,本意是优秀,胜于,杰出.