看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第十集(2) 谁怕谁啊
PENNY:All right, you guys. Good luck.
LEONARD: Thanks, Penny. Break a leg.
SHELDON: Yeah, break a leg.
HOWARD: So road trip to Long Beach.
LEONARD: We're not going to Long Beach.
RAJ: Why not?
LEONARD: Because Sheldon doesn't have a drug-addicted cousin Leopold.
RAJ: Oh, too bad. I've always wanted to go to Long Beach.
SHELDON: It's a very nice community. The Queen Mary is docked there. Once the largest liner in the world, it's now a hotel and restaurant where they host a surprisingly gripping murder-mystery dinner.
RAJ: Sounds fun.
HOWARD: I'm game.
RAJ: Shotgun.
HOWARD: No, no, no.
SHELDON: Leonard gets nauseous unless he sits in front, and even then it's iffy.
LEONARD: Wait, are we really going to Long Beach?
SHELDON:Leonard? Leonard? Leonard?
LEONARD: Let it go, Sheldon. The murderer was the first mate whether it makes sense to you or not.
SHELDON:No, that's the least of our worries. I've been doing research on addiction both the biochemical and behavioral aspects and I think there's a problem with the current version of our lie.
LEONARD: What are you talking about? It's fine, she bought it, it's over.
SHELDON:Sadly, it's not.
1. break a leg祝好运;大获成功(用于祝愿演员演出成功)
2. I'm game的完整说法是I'm game if you are.:你敢的话,我就敢啊。(谁怕谁啊)
3. call shotgun 坐副驾驶座. 这种说法起源于美国西部历史,那时驾马车的人坐在右边,路上会经常有劫匪,所以,总要有一个人坐在左边副驾驶位置手里拿一杆枪,以防万一.从此以后,坐副驾驶位就叫做ride shotgun.
副驾驶叫shotgun.在美国似乎大家都很喜欢副驾驶座,所以如果有好几个人坐车的话,你如果想抢副驾驶的位子,就要call shotgun, 即:我做副驾驶位子!
4. makes sense有意义;讲得通;言之有理.
5. least of our worries最不用担心的问题.
6. buy it 相信…的话,除此之外还有放弃,认输的意思