1 pet shop 宠物店

I need to go to the pet shop to buy some food for my gold fish.我得去宠物店替我的金鱼买鱼食。

2 suggest v. 建议;提议

Mary suggests that we go to her restaurant for dinner.玛丽提议大家去她的餐馆吃晚饭。

3 faithful adj. 忠实的;忠心的

My boyfriend and I are faithful to one another.我和男朋友彼此忠诚。

4 certain adj. 确信的;无疑的

I am certain that I put the keys on the key rack.我确定有把钥匙挂在钥匙架上。

5 centipede n. 蜈蚣

If you lift up a heavy rock, you may find a centipede living under it.如果你举起一块大石,可能会发现底下有蜈蚣。

6 imagine v. 想象

Imagine a space vacation to the moon.想象一下前往月球的太空假期。

7 immaculate adj. 洁净的;无污垢的

Jim’s room was immaculate after his mother cleaned it.吉姆的房间经过他妈妈打扫后,变得一尘不染。

8 silverware n. 银制餐具

We keep our silverware in a drawer in the kitchen.我们把银制餐具放在厨房的抽屉里。

9 counter-top n. 厨房台面

Morgan’s family has a counter-top dishwasher.摩根家的厨房台面上有个洗碗机。

10 appliance n. 用具;器具

The department store had a sale on household appliances.百货公司有家用品特卖活动。

11 sparkle v. 闪耀;发光

Commercials usually show a sparkling clean kitchen to promote their products.商业广告通常会展示整理得亮晶晶的厨房,来促销相关产品。

12 absolutely adv. 完全地;绝对地

Are you absolutely sure that this is the man who you saw leave the scene of the crime? 你百分之百确定从犯罪现场离开的是这个人吗?

13 amaze v. 吃惊;惊愕

The show is guaranteed to amaze and shock you.这场表演保证会让你大吃一惊。

14 living room 客厅

We keep our television in the living room.我们把电视放在客厅。

15 vacuum v./n. 用吸尘器清扫;吸尘器

Teresa used her vacuum to clean up all the cat hair on her sofa.特丽莎用她的吸尘器把沙发上所有的猫毛都清干净了。

16 furniture n. 家具

The Smiths collect antique furniture.史密斯家收集古董家具。

17 dust v. 掸掉灰尘;打扫

Tara dusts her shelves once a week.塔拉一个星期掸一次书架上的灰尘。

18 pillow n. 枕头

I can’t sleep without a pillow.我没有枕头不能睡。

19 sofa n. 沙发

When we have company over for the weekend, I sleep on the sofa.我们周末有朋友来访时,我都会睡沙发。

20 plump v. 使鼓起;拍松

Plump your pillows so they don’t flatten.把枕头拍松,这样就不会扁扁的了。

21 corner n. 街角;角落

A square has four sides and four corners.正方形有四个边和四个角。

22 newspaper n. 报纸

The newspaper has an article about the newly elected Prime Minister of Canada.报纸上有篇文章在讲最近当选的加拿大总理。

23 matter n. 事情;问题

As a matter of fact, I do like chocolate chip ice cream.事实上,我真的喜欢巧克力碎片冰淇淋。



【美】 Meredith Walker 著   陈怡芬 译