1community n. 社区

Our community was united in backing the school board. 我们的社区团结一致支持教育委员会。

2 hold v. 举办

Let us hold a party to celebrate the anniversary. 让我们办场宴会庆祝周年纪念日。

3 competition n. 比赛

We are holding a competition to see who is the fastest swimmer. 我们将举办比赛,看谁游得最快。

4 design v. 设计

John is going to design a new mobile phone with TV functions. 约翰将设计一款有电视功能的新型手机。

5 project n. 专案

Mary couldn’t sleep well during the project. 在承办专案期间,玛莉都无法好好入眠。

6 theme n. 主题

We all like going to theme parks. 我们都喜欢去主题乐园。

7 funding n. 资金

The university has a lot of funding to admit more students. 这所大学有许多资金可以让更多学生入学。

8 piece n. 作品

The piece he finished for the exhibit was made of steel. 他为这场展览完成的是用钢打造的。

9 deep in thought 思索

He was deep in thought and didn’t see the bus coming. 他在想事情,没注意到公交车来了。

10 elderly  adj. 年老的

We should be kind and generous to elderly people. 我们对老人应仁慈大方。

11 torn adj. 衣衫褴褛的

The shirt is torn and we’ll get a new one. 这件衬衫破了,我们要买件新的。

12 remove v. 移开

Please remove your van from the doorway. 请把你的休旅车移开车道。

13 garbage n. 垃圾

Don’t throw garbage on the street. 请勿在街上随地乱丢垃圾。

14 cart n. 推车

Please help me put it in the cart. 请帮我把东西放进推车里。

15 treasure n. 宝藏

He dreamed of digging up the treasure. 他梦想着挖到宝藏。

16 homeless adj. 无家可归的

Some people became homeless because of the “921” earthquake. 有些人因为九二一大地震而无家可归。

17 get on the computer 登入电脑

Jane usually gets on the computer the first thing in the morning. 珍早上通常第一件事就是登入电脑。

18 type v. 打字

She types 50 words per minute. 她每分钟打五十个字。

19 proposal n. 提案

He made a proposal to the manager. 他向经理提了一个建议。

20 heading n. 标题

The heading of the article was “Lost in the Fog”. 这篇文章的标题是“迷失在大雾中”。

21 mural n. 壁画

She painted amural on the north wall. 她在北边的墙上画壁画。

22 invitation n. 邀请

We need an invitation to see the fashion show. 我们需要有邀请函才可以看服装表演。

23 at risk 置身危险的

People who cross against the light are at risk of accident.闯红灯的人有可能会出车祸。

24 minority n. 弱势族群

In this company only a minority of people smoke. 这家公司只有少数人抽烟。

25 neighborhood n. 邻近地区

The neighborhood is a good place for children to play. 这附近很适合小孩玩。



【美】 Meredith Walker 著   陈怡芬 译