Sheldon, Leonard, Howard和Raj在Penny打工的店里吃饭, Sheldon正在纠结吃什么,正好遇见Leonard的同事Leslie. 跟Sheldon学习下如何点单,或者说如何惹怒服务员:p
PENNY: All right, thank you. And Sheldon?
SHELDON:We don't eat here. I don't know what's good.
PENNY: Well, it's all good.
SHELDON:Statistically unlikely.
LEONARD: Just get a hamburger. You like hamburgers.
SHELDON: I like the hamburgers where we usually have hamburgers. You can't make the assumption that I'll like the hamburgers here.
LEONARD: I'm sorry. Give him a hamburger.
PENNY: Which one, the classic burger, the ranch house burger, the barbeque burger or the Kobe burger?
SHELDON:Can't we just go to Big Boy? They only have one burger, the Big Boy.
PENNY: The barbeque burger's like the Big Boy.
SHELDON: In a world that already includes a Big Boy why would I settle for something like a Big Boy?
PENNY: Because you are not at Big Boy.
SHELDON: Fine. I'll have the barbeque burger.
LEONARD: Make it two.
SHELDON: Waitresses don't yell at you at Big Boy.
LESLIE: Hey, Leonard. Hi, guys.
LEONARD: Hey, Leslie.
LESLIE: I didn't know you ate here.
SHELDON: We don't. This is a disturbing aberration.
LEONARD: Leslie, this is Penny, she lives across the hall from Sheldon and me.
HOWARD: And walks in quiet beauty like the night.
PENNY: Howard, I've asked you not to do that.
LEONARD: Leslie and I do research together at the university.
PENNY: Oh, wow. A girl scientist.
LESLIE: Yep. Come for the breasts, stay for the brains.
PENNY: So I'm glad I ran into you. The Physics Department string quartet needs a new cellist.
1 Statistically unlikely统计学角度来看不可能. Sheldon又是一副天才物理学家的架势了, Penny努力抑制住怒火啊,o(∩_∩)o
2 make the assumption that 假定,设定,认定
Some cyclists make the assumption that traffic laws do not apply to them, but this is not true.一些骑自行车的人认为他们可以不遵守交通法,这是不正确的。
3 settle for sth退而求其次;勉强接受某事物退而求其次;勉强接受某事物
China's leaders have repeatedly made it clear that they will settle for nothing less than a perfect Olympics. 中国领导人已经反复明确,他们将不断努力以办好一次完美的奥运会。
4 yell at对…吼, Penny还是没有淡定下来, 被惹怒了(pissed off).
5 Come for the breasts, stay for the brains. 含义是吸引异性可以靠外表,真正捕获异性的心则要靠内在.
6 ran into遇见,撞上careful, You nearly ran into the bus!