前情提要:近日Youtube上疯传一个六天之内建成15层高宾馆大楼的视频,点击高达百万。这栋楼是中国远大集团建造的节能环保建筑,建46小时,装修90小时, 可抗震9度。关键在于可抗震9度啊,表明人家并非要速度不要质量。于是说上帝创造世界也只需要六天的时间啊!围观了视频的各国人民纷纷留言表示钦佩之情,同时吐槽自己国家建筑工程的拖拉:

A 15-story building done in SIX days?? Wow... just WOW.
15 层高的建筑 6 天完工??哇靠!。。。除了哇靠真不知该说啥好。

That’’s kinda of scary, you could’ve gone away for a week, and when you’’ve come home a building has suddenly appeared.

Imagine coming home after a 2 day trip and you look out your window like WTF

Imagine looking for a hotel room, there is no vacancy, and the receptionist says, “just wait for a few minutes, we will put up another hotel.”

In my country  Greece...they cant even make a doghouse in 2 days.
在我的国家希腊…… 2 天时间估计他们连狗窝都盖不起来。

Amazing stuff.Here in Canada everything takes forever to complete.Whole fukin day to clear some small debris from accidents on highways. Small sections of roads take a whole fukin year. then winter the road cracks again from all the salt sprayed on it. so repeat next year! WOOD houses take like fukin two years.

Chinese came to my country to build roads. Kings Highway took less then 50 days to finish. Buiding a seawall took less then 30 days, building the South Pacific Games Stadium, Pool, Tracks and field less then a month! My country is Fiji & Australia is whinning that Fiji is having ties with China LMAO - too funny!!
中国人曾经来过我们国家修路。 Kings 高速花了不到 50 天就竣工了,建海堤用了不到 30 天,建南太平洋体育场,泳池,运动场地用了不到 1 个月!顺便说我的国家是斐济。而澳大利亚居然还在抱怨为啥斐济跟中国走那么近?!真逗!!

That is why you should send your kids to Chinese language lessons!!!

man, the only thing i can think America can get done fast is fast food orders -_-
我能想到唯一美国人干得快的事儿就是订快餐 -_-

Evan fast food in America some times still take 15-20 minutes to get your order. The quick that can get done in America is get devorces. Married today maybe devorces next week.....
在美国就算快餐有时都得等 15-20 分钟才拿得到。在美国能干得快的事儿是离婚。今天刚结也许下礼拜就离了…

Actually I can do the same thing without even trying. Like if I buy a desk from IKEA, I need only 30 minutes to put it together. But for a  similar desk, it may cost more than 1 week for a carpenter to build it. Am I amazing?
连试都不需要试,我也能做到这个。就好比我从宜家买来一张桌子,我只需要 30 分钟就能组装好,但同样一张桌子,木工却得花一个多星期来制造它。这能说明我牛 X ?

If u put it toguether in 30min, u are not amazing... but the Ikeas designers who made this possible, they are... 
(回楼上) 30 分钟能组装好并不说明你牛 X ……但宜家的设计者能设计出这种桌子,能证明他们很牛 X ……  

Its more interesting to read the comments than watching the video.

I dare not to use stuffs made in China :D
我从不敢用中国制造的东西 :D

You are proberbly using it right now.

China is the new US...

Wow, stop insulting the Chinese people.
