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  • 小学五年级英语阅读材料—狗狗Clifford之感恩节旅行(双语有声)

    回到车站里。[/cn] [en]Clifford is in the city. He [w]climb[/w]s up a tall building to [w]look around[/w]. He can see his mother's house! [/en][cn]Clifford 来到了城里。他爬上一座高楼四处张望。他能看到妈妈的家![/cn] [en]At last, Clifford finds his mum. She is so happy to see her boy. They have a nice Thanksgiving dinner.[/en][cn]最后,Clifford 找到了妈妈。妈妈看到自己的孩子特开心。他们吃了一顿美味的感恩节大餐。[/cn] [en]Clifford loves his mother, but he has to go home soon because I [w]miss[/w] Clifford, and he misses me. [/en][cn]Clifford爱妈妈,但是他不得不很快回家,因为我想他,他也想我。[/cn] 声明:音视频均来自互联网链接,仅供学习使用。本网站自身不存储、控制、修改被链接的内容。"沪江网"高度重视知识产权保护。当如发现本网站发布的信息包Clifford留给邻居照看。Clifford含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将依法采取措施移除相关内容或屏蔽相关链接。 去网校参加为你“量身定做”的英语课程>>>

  • 小学四年级英语阅读材料—狗狗Clifford之神秘飞碟(双语有声)

    嗨,大家好。我是Emily,今天要继续给大家讲讲我和小狗Clifford的故事。有一天,Clifford看到了一个非常大的“飞盘”。他接住后,却大吃一惊,连我也觉得奇怪。到底是怎么回事呢?快看故事吧。本文适合小学四年级学生阅读。 [en]1. Hi, I'm Emily. This is my dog, Clifford. Every school day, he takes me all the way to the school gate. Of course, dogs can't go [w]inside[/w] the school. So he waits for me [w]outside[/w].[/en][cn]嗨,我是Emily。这是我的小狗,Clifford。每天上学的时候,他会一路送我到学校门口。当然啦,小狗是不能进学校的,所以他会在校门外等我。[/cn] [en]2. After school, some kids go home by bus. My friends and I go home by "Clifford".[/en][cn]放学后,有些孩子坐公共汽车回家。我的朋友们和我一起同Clifford回家。[/cn] [en]3. After I [w]finish[/w] my homework, I play with Clifford. He likes to catch balls and [w]Frisbee[/w]s like other dogs.[/en][cn]我做完回家作业后,就和Clifford一起玩。他和其他小狗一样,喜欢玩抢球游戏和掷飞碟游戏。[/cn] [en]4. One day, Clifford and I are playing on the grass. Clifford sees a big "Frisbee".[/en][cn]一天,Clifford和我正在草地上玩耍,Clifford看到一个很大的“飞碟”。[/cn] [en]5. He catches it. But we are surprised to see some [w]purple[/w] [w]creature[/w]s![/en][cn]他抓住了飞盘。但是他惊讶地看到一些紫色的动物![/cn] [en]6. When they see Clifford, they quickly go back to their "Frisbee" and [w]fly away[/w]. Clifford and I have a good time every day.[/en][cn]当他们看到Clifford的时候,飞快的回到“飞碟”里并把飞碟开Clifford的故事。有一天,Clifford走了。Clifford和我每天都玩得很开心。[/cn]

  • 小学五年级英语阅读材料—狗狗Clifford之奇闻异事(双语有声)

    翻了。"tip over就是“打翻,弄翻”的意思。 down是“跌倒,摔倒”的意思。例句:My grandma fell down in the street and broke her leg.“奶奶在街上摔倒了,摔坏了腿。”哎,真是个坏消息呢。 是“安静的”,上课的时候,老师会对我们说Be quiet.或者Keep quiet.就是让我们“保持安静”呢。 8.She tells me to bring him back.“她告诉我把它带回去。”其中有一个短语是tell sb to do sth“告诉某人做某事”,例句:Parents tell us to study hard.“父母告诉我们要Clifford好好学习。” 9.Clifford is curious about the bag of flour.“Clifford对这包面粉很感兴趣。”从句中我们可以知道,“对...感兴趣”是be curious about,例句:Tommy is curious about all new things.“Tommy对一切新事物都很感兴趣。” (本文“笔记整理”部分由沪江原创,转载请注明出处!) >>一起去【搞定小学英语阅读】<< >>点我查看“小学五年级英语阅读材料—Thanksgiving Trip”<<

  • 小学五年级英语阅读材料—狗狗Clifford之我是最棒的(双语有声)


  • 雅思的模拟真题以及答案解析

    that controls sleep B   15 certain animals that do not need to sleep A   16 dangers of extended periods of sleeplessness B   17 certain animal behaviors that could be used as basis for modifying human sleep C   List of researchers   A Jerome Siegel   B Clifford Saper   C Verner Bingman   填空题:   18

  • 雅思模拟真题及答案

    body mechanism that controls sleep B   15 certain animals that do not need to sleep A   16 dangers of extended periods of sleeplessness B   17 certain animal behaviors that could be used as basis for modifying human sleep C   List of researchers   A Jerome Siegel   B Clifford Saper   C Verner

  • 雅思的模拟真题以及答案解析

    mechanism that controls sleep B   15 certain animals that do not need to sleep A   16 dangers of extended periods of sleeplessness B   17 certain animal behaviors that could be used as basis for modifying human sleep C   List of researchers   A Jerome Siegel   B Clifford Saper   C Verner Bingman   填空题

  • 对食物“过敏”用英语怎么说?

    来啊,哥们。  Look, I know that allergies are a bummer, 听着,我知道过敏挺扫兴的,  but sometimes good things can come out of it, 但有时,也会因祸得福,  like I never would have...have met your sister 就像如果不是我对花生过敏  without my peanut allergy, 我就不会...不会遇见你姐姐,  and..and then i wouldn't have become friends with you. 也不会...不会跟你们成为朋友呀。 We're friends? 我们是朋友吗?  Yeah, of course we're friends. 是啊,我们当然是朋友。  Can I have an olive? 我能吃一个橄榄吗?   今日重点:   过敏:allergy。形容词是allergic,be allergic to sth,对……过敏 腌黄瓜:pickle 麸质:gluten。很多食物或化妆品上会有gluten-free的字样,表示不含麸质 花生酱:peanut butter。butter是黄油的意思 没门:no way 橄榄:olive。橄榄油,olive oil 碗:bowl 令人不快的局面:bummer   想看完整视频,请关注【沪江英语】公众号


    口语 生活口语、

  • 这些电影你都看过吗?大结局看懂了吗?

    的McBride意识到,他的父亲不是他所认为的英雄。 Clifford escaped to the space abyss because he knew there was nothing left for him on Earth. The most symbolic scene happens when the cord that connects the father and the son is broken. Clifford逃进了太空深渊,因为他知道世上没有留给他的东西。最具象征意义的一幕发生在连接父子的绳索断了的时候。 When Roy returned home, he

  • 小学英语阅读材料—谢谢你,大红狗(双语有声)

    Clifford is my best friend. He is always there when I need him.Thank you, Clifford![/en][cn]Clifford是我最好的朋友。每当我需要帮助的时候,他总是会出现。谢谢你,Clifford![/cn] [en](2) One day, I miss the school bus. It doesn’t [w]matter[/w]: Clifford gives me a [w]ride[/w]![/en][cn]有一天,我没有赶上校车。没关系:Clifford可以载我去![/cn] [en](3) Another day, we are playing in the park. T-bone forgets where he [w=bury]buries[/w] his bone. Clifford finds it for him.[/en][cn]还有一次,我们正在公园里玩。T-bone忘记把自己的骨头埋在哪里了。Clifford帮忙找到了。[/cn] [en](4) Suddenly, it starts to rain hard! But we keep our picnic lunch dry… under Clifford![/en][cn]突然,天降大雨!但是我们