服务费,酒水另计)中西合壁的自助大餐,悠闲惬意的海边烧烤,让您一览大海碧波,尽享人间美味。 eel是什么意思: n. 鳝;鳗 The electric eel is an amazing storage battery. 电鳗是一个惊人的电量存储库。 Finally one of the servants remembered the eels in the urn 最后一个仆人想鳗鱼的英文: BBQ Eelbbq是什么起了瓮里的 There's absolutely no comparison between lobsters and eels. 龙虾与海鳗两者完全不能相比。 Peruvians didn't seem to like eel. 秘鲁人不太喜欢鳗鱼。 Nor does anyone know how to breed eels in captivity. 也没有人知道如何人工饲养繁殖鳗鱼。 到沪江小D查看碳烧鳗鱼的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 碳烧咖啡的英文怎么说>> 碳烧菠萝骨的英文怎么说>> 碳青霉烯类的英文怎么说>> 碳排放量的英文>> 碳排放用英文怎么说>>
2012-07-06 -
鳗鱼手卷的英文: Eel Rolleel是什么意思: n. 鳝;鳗 The electric eel is an amazing storage battery. 电鳗起了瓮里的 There's absolutely no comparison between lobsters and eels. 龙虾与海鳗两者完全不能相比。 Peruvians didn't seem to like eel. 秘鲁人不太喜欢鳗鱼。 Nor does anyone know how to breed eels in captivity. 也没有人知道如何人工饲养繁殖鳗鱼。roll是什么意思: v. 滚动;转动;发出隆隆声;运转;行驶;起伏;卷,绕;辗 n. 滚动,打滚;卷,卷状物;名册 roll - on / roll - off ship 滚装船 The drums rolled. 鼓声隆隆。 Thunder rolled. 雷声隆隆。 Roll the cameras! 开拍! Heads will roll 到沪江小D查看鳗鱼手卷的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 鳗鱼盖饭套餐的英文怎么说>> 鳗鱼饭的英文>> 馒头的英文怎么说>> 蛮人用英文怎么说>> 蛮横的英文怎么说>>
2012-07-03 -
in your hand and paint a few splashes of bean sauce on the pancake with the scallion……like this……next,place the scallion in the center of the pancake,and with your chopsticks add a few piece of duck skin. 首先拿起薄饼,用大葱蘸少量面酱涂在饼上……像这样……然后,把葱段放在薄饼中间,用筷子夹几片鸭皮放在上面。 到沪江小D查看葱烧鳗鱼的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 葱烧黑木耳的英文怎么说>> 葱烧海参牛蹄筋的英文怎么说>> 葱烧海参鲍鱼的英文怎么说>> 葱烧海参的英文怎么说>> 葱焅河鲫鱼的英文怎么说>>
2012-06-27 -
sausages. 她喜欢吃辣肠。 This's my favorite perfume. It's spicy and intimate. 这是我最爱的香水,有着轻快怡人的香气。 到沪江小D查看烧汁鳗鱼条的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 烧汁烩南野山菌的英文怎么说>> 烧羊扒的英文怎么说>> 烧鸭酥的英文怎么说>> 烧香拜佛的英文怎么说>> 烧虾球海参的英文>>
2012-07-05 -
甜言蜜语 To sweeten with or as if with honey. 加蜜或象加蜜般使变甜。 Mix cucumber with honey for a cucumber-honey toner. 混合黄瓜和蜂蜜,做一个黄瓜蜂蜜爽肤水。glazed是什么意思: adj. 涂上一层 This is called buff glazed paper. 这被称为米色道林纸。 He is going to glaze a picture. 他准备给这幅画罩上玻璃框。 Whoever invented glaze is a genius. 发明蛋浆的人实在太天才了。eel是什么意思: n. 鳝;鳗 The electric eel is an amazing storage battery. 电鳗是一个惊人的电量存储库。 Finally one of the servants remembered the eels in the urn 最后一个仆人想起了瓮里的 There's absolutely no comparison between lobsters and eels. 龙虾与海鳗两者完全不能相比。 到沪江小D查看蜂蜜鳗鱼的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 蜂蜜黄油苜蓿卷的英文怎么说>> 蜂蜜花粉学的英文怎么说>> 蜂蜜的英文怎么说>> 蜂巢炸芋头的英文怎么说>> 蜂巢意识的英文>>
2012-06-28 -
瓮里的 There's absolutely no comparison between lobsters and eels. 龙虾与海鳗两者完全不能相比。 到沪江小D查看豉椒鳗鱼丝的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 豉椒焗龙虾的英文怎么说>> 豉豆红的英文怎么说>> 恥辱的英语怎么说>> 耻笑的英文怎么说>> 耻辱标记的英文怎么说>>
2012-06-26 -
,three bake “三涂三烘” 工艺(反复涂三道漆,烘干三次的施工方法) fiveteen contains five and three. 15可被5和3除尽。 To draw three feet of water 吃水三尺 cups是什么意思: n. 杯子;奖杯;一杯(的量) v. 使成杯状 A cup or goblet. 茶杯或高脚酒杯 These cups chip easily. 这些杯子容易碎裂。 clutch controlling cup 离合器控制碗 到沪江小D查看三杯鳗鱼的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 三杯鸡翼的英文怎么说>> 三杯鸡的英文怎么说>> 三宝鸟的英语怎么说>> 三包的英文怎么说>> 三板市场的英文怎么说>>
2012-07-04 -
意思: n. 稻;大米,米饭 He bagged (up) rice. 他把大米装进口袋。 congee; rice gruel; porridge 粥;稀饭 Rice grows mainly in the south. 稻米主要产在南方。roasted是什么意思: v. roast的过去式和过去分词;烤 Joint of meat that has been roasted or is meant for roasting 烤过的或适于烤食的大块肉 They roasted his new novel. 他们狠狠挖苦他的新小说。 The menu included roast grouse. 菜单上有烤松鸡。eel是什么意思: n. 鳝;鳗 The electric eel is an amazing storage battery. 电鳗是一个惊人的电量存储库。 Finally one of the servants remembered the eels in the urn 最后一个仆人想起了瓮里的 There's absolutely no comparison between lobsters and eels. 龙虾与海鳗两者完全不能相比。 到沪江小D查看蒲烧鳗鱼饭的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 蒲绒用英文怎么说>> 蒲公英嫩叶的英文怎么说>> 蒲公英用英文怎么说>> 葡萄牙的英文怎么说>> 葡萄糖诱发的类过敏性反应用英文怎么说>>
2012-07-04 -
起了瓮里的 There's absolutely no comparison between lobsters and eels. 龙虾与海鳗两者完全不能相比。over是什么意思: adv. (倒)下;从一边到另一边;越过;再;结束 prep. 在…之上;越过;在…的另一边(对面);由于;从一边到另一边 adj. 过去的;结束的;外鳗鱼饭的英文: Grilled Eel over Ricegrilled是什么面的;上面的 v. 越过 chew over; think over 考虑;详细讨论 I have failed over and over and over again in my life. 我一生中失败了一次又一次。 "Over shoes, over Boots" 一不做,二不休 到沪江小D查看鳗鱼饭的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 馒头的英文怎么说>> 蛮人用英文怎么说>> 蛮横的英文怎么说>> 蛮干用英语怎么说>> 脉络的英文怎么说>>
长在河里的 subsequent river 后成河 a river the of lava 熔岩的巨流 They snagged the river. 他们为河流清鳗鱼盖饭套餐的英文: Broiled river eelbroiled是什么除了暗桩。eel是什么意思: n. 鳝;鳗 The electric eel is an amazing storage battery. 电鳗是一个惊人的电量存储库。 Finally one of the servants remembered the eels in the urn 最后一个仆人想起了瓮里的 There's absolutely no comparison between lobsters and eels. 龙虾与海鳗两者完全不能相比。 到沪江小D查看鳗鱼盖饭套餐的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 鳗鱼饭的英文>> 馒头的英文怎么说>> 蛮人用英文怎么说>> 蛮横的英文怎么说>> 蛮干用英语怎么说>>