【边听边背六级高频词汇】List 50
the envelope and then unfolded the letter. 她打开信封,然后展开这封信。 uphold 支撑;鼓励 If the teacher makes a rule I can be sure that my dad will uphold it. 如果那位老师指定一个规则,我确信老爸一定会支持的。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>
2014-04-15 -
【边听边背六级高频词汇】List 48
subordinates this issue to more general problems. 在她的书中,她把这个问题视为更一般的问题。 subsidy 补贴;津贴 Can I apply for the unemployment subsidy when I have no job? 当我没有工作的时候可以申请失业补贴吗? summon 召唤;召集 I was summoned by my boss to explain my actions yesterday. 老板召见我,让我解释昨天的行为。 superiority 优越,优势 No one doubts the superiority of modern ways of traveling over those of old times. 没有人怀疑现代旅行方式比起古时候有很多优势。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>
【边听边背六级高频词汇】List 49
minute then rang the door bell. 她在门口站了一分钟,然后按响了门铃。 tragic 悲剧的;悲痛的 The tragic accident caused by gas leak took the whole family’s lives. 由于气体泄漏造成的事故使全家人丧命。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>
2014-04-15 -
【边听边背六级高频词汇】List 5
[b]HINTS:[/b] 9秒处连字符: against -- discrimination "extravagant", "greedy" and "corrupt". Hilton Hotels co-funding "non-smoking" Olympics 1992 Barcelona Games [b]温馨提示:[/b] 写完单词就换行写句子~ 单词首字母不必大写~ 句首字母要大写哦~ e.g. adhere China will adhere to an independent and peaceful foreign policy in dealing with international affairs. essence Senior citizen discounts are the essence of the very thing older Americans are fighting against -- discrimination by age. extravagant When asked to use three words to describe society's rich, the top responses were "extravagant", "greedy" and "corrupt". flush The child's cheeks were flushed with fever. funding Even Hilton Hotels has shown interest in the space tourism industry and the possibility of building or co-funding a space hotel. granted Granted, some amount of delusion is probably part of the human condition. haunt He was haunted by memories of his unhappy childhood well into his adult life. initiate The concept of a "non-smoking" Olympics, initiated in 1988, and has been put into practice since the 1992 Barcelona Games. intrinsic The intrinsic value of a coin is the value of the metal it is made of. intuition Nobody told me where to find you. It was sheer intuition. essence 本质,实质 Senior citizen discounts are the essence of the very thing older Americans are fighting against—discrimination by age. 老年人优惠价是年老的美国人斗争的本质——年龄歧视。 extravagant 奢侈的;浪费的;过度的 When asked to use three words to describe society's rich, the top responses were "extravagant", "greedy" and "corrupt". 当被问及用三个词形容社会财富的时候,排在前面的三个词是“浪费的”,“贪婪的”和“腐败的”。 flush 发红,脸红 The child's cheeks were flushed with fever. 那个孩子发烧了,脸颊通红。 funding 提供资金 Even Hilton Hotels has shown interest in the space tourism industry and the possibility of building or co-funding a space hotel. 甚至希尔顿酒店也对太空旅游业,以及建筑的可能性和合资太空酒店表现出兴趣。 granted 算是如此,但是 Granted, some amount of delusion is probably part of the human condition. 当然,一定量的错觉很可能是人类状态的一部分。 haunt 萦绕于…… He was haunted by memories of his unhappy childhood well into his adult life. 我对于童年到成人的记忆在脑海中挥之不去。 initiate 开始 The concept of a "non-smoking" Olympics, initiated in 1988, has been put into practice since the 1992 Barcelona Games. 无烟奥运的概念起始于1988年,在1992的巴塞罗那奥运会上付诸实践。 intrinsic 本质的,固有的 The intrinsic value of a coin is the value of the metal it is made of. 一枚硬币的内在价值是制造它的金属的价值。 intuition 直觉 Nobody told me where to find you. It was sheer intuition. 没有人告诉我在哪儿能找到你。这完全凭直觉。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>
【边听边背六级高频词汇】List 2
[b]HINTS:[/b] endeavor homogeneous 读得有点小问题,大家不要学这个发音哦~ [b]温馨提示:[/b] 写完单词就换行写句子~ 单词首字母不必大写~ 句首字母要大写哦~ e.g. adhere China will adhere to an independent and peaceful foreign policy in dealing with international affairs. comply China will strictly comply with the universally acknowledged market rules. conspicuous The house standing on the island is very conspicuous. endeavor Despite our best endeavors, we couldn't get the machine started. homogeneous Milk and cream are homogeneous foods, and they are both dairy products. immerse She was so deeply immersed in reading that she forgot the supper. indulge Will you indulge my curiosity and tell me how much it cost? persistent She eventually married the most persistent of her admirers. 遵守,遵从 中国严格遵守同行的市场规则。 显著的;显而易见的 在岛上建房屋是显得格外突出。 尽力,竭力 尽管我们进了最大努力,但是机器还是不能正常启动。 同种的 牛奶和奶油是同一种食物,他们都是奶制品。 沉浸;使陷入 我沉浸在读书中,忘记了吃晚饭。 沉溺;放任 你能不能满足我的好奇心,告诉我这要多少钱? 固执的,坚持的;持久稳固的 她最终嫁给了她的追求者中最痴情的一个。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>
2014-04-15 -
【边听边背六级高频词汇】List 9
得多。 设计;发明 克服许多困难之后,我设法把船拉到海滩。 聚合;集中于一点 资本主义和社会主义最终不会合二为一。 决定性的;果断的 你英语的熟练程度是你得到这份工作的关键因素。 推论,推断 你将会注意到试管中的水会上升,那么你从中得出什么结论呢? 认为,视作 他认为帮助别人是他的职责。 使丧失,剥夺 这些孩子被剥夺了受教育的权利,这绝对不公平。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>
2014-04-15 -
【边听边背六级高频词汇】List 17
住在一栋宽敞的房子里。 订阅;捐款 我订阅《新闻周刊》。 附属的;辅助的 财政问题是该项目能否获准的附带问题。 超越;胜过 尽管我们认为可能在首轮即遭淘汰,但结果比所期望的要好。 诱惑;引起 金钱和美色诱使他走上了犯罪的道路。 恐怖主义;恐怖行动 布什说两个国家都热爱自由,两国将携手并肩打击恐怖主义。 拖;牵引 如果你把车停在这儿,警察会把它拖走。 过渡;转变 从计划经济到股份制的过渡自然是个艰难的过程。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>
【边听边背六级高频词汇】List 40
HINTS: causality Professor Li Chinese Democratic League's role Communist Party personages territorial waters 温馨提示: 写完单词就换行写句子~ 单词首字母不必大写~ 句首字母要大写哦~ e.g. adhere China will adhere to an independent and peaceful foreign policy in dealing with international affairs. originate The quarrel originated from a misunderstanding. overlap One feather overlaps another on a bird's wing. overstate The trouble comes when researchers downplay uncertainties in their studies or overstate the case for causality. parental He has lost the parental love even since he was very young. pastime It is my favorite pastime. pathetic His tears were pathetic to witness. patriotic In his speech, Professor Li spoke highly of the Chinese Democratic League's role in supporting the Communist Party and in uniting patriotic democratic personages. patrol Warships are on patrol in the territorial waters of the country to watch for any foreign vessels. 发源;发生 这次争吵是由误解引起的。 重叠;重复 鸟翅膀上的羽毛一片压着另一片。 夸张;夸大的叙述 当研究人员在研究过程中淡化不确定因素,夸大因果关系,这样就糟糕了。 父母的 在他很年轻的时候就失去了双亲的爱。 娱乐,消遣 这是我喜欢的消遣方式。 可怜的,悲哀的 他的眼泪引起在场人的怜悯。 爱国的 在他的演讲中,李教授高度评价中国民主联盟在支持共产党和团结爱国民主人士方面做出的贡献。 巡逻队;侦察队 军舰在国家领海上巡逻,察看任何外国船只。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>
【边听边背六级高频词汇】List 3
断了气。 抑制;镇压;废止 所有这些运动都受到政府压制。 证明,证实 这部优秀作品证明了作者的能力。 使习惯于 猎人正设法使他的猎犬适应他的枪发出的噪音。 模糊不清的;引起歧义的 那个答案不是很清楚,你到底是什么意思? 上升;登高;追溯 梯子是一步一步往上攀登的。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>
【边听边背六级高频词汇】List 14
[b]HINTS:[/b] This highly "grow into", after all, it is femininity lot Maradona [b]温馨提示:[/b] 写完单词就换行写句子~ 单词首字母不必大写~ 句首字母要大写哦~ e.g. adhere China will adhere to an independent and peaceful foreign policy in dealing with international affairs. magnify The microscope magnified the object 100 times. maturity This highly polite style is no doubt something that young women have been expected to "grow into", after all, it is a sign not simply of femininity, but of maturity and refinement. migrate Wealthy people often migrate in winter to warmer, sunnier countries. misfortune Think about the misfortune of others that you may be satisfied with your own lot. negligible The damage to my car is negligible. notorious Maradona, a most famous football star, is a notorious drug addict. 赞美;夸大 显微镜把物体放大一百倍。 成熟;到期 毫无疑问,这种高度礼貌的风格是一些年轻女性眼中“长大”的标准,毕竟,这只是一个迹象,而不是简单的女性气质的成熟度和精细化。 随季节而移居 有钱人常在冬天移居到温暖有阳光的国家。 不幸;灾祸 想想别人的不幸,你可以对自己的命运感到满足。 微不足道的,可以忽略的 我的汽车的损坏程度可忽略不计。 声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的 马拉多纳——一个著名的球星,却是一个臭名昭著的吸毒者。 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>