• 过于担心用英文怎么说

    过于担心的英文: overanxiety参考例句: They should not be too alarmed by the press reports. 对于新闻报道他们不应过于担心。overanxiety是什么意思: 过虑,杞忧 到沪江小D查看过于担心的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 过于草率的的英文怎么说>> 过于的英文怎么说>> 过犹不及的英文怎么说>> 过瘾的英文怎么说>> 过一会的英文怎么说>>

  • 别担心的英文怎么说

    别担心的英文: Not to worry.参考例句: Don' t worry ! You' ll soon get the hang of it. 别担心!你很快就学会的。 Don‘t worry, I can bring you home. 别担心,我可以送你回家。 Don't be worried,that's only a scratchy team. 别担心,那是一个临时组成的队伍。 Don't worry. It's a natural phenomenon. 别担心,这是自然现象。 Don't worry, Ida and Tom. 艾达,汤姆,别担心。 Don't worry

  • 不要担心的英文怎么说

    网球 Let it be as you desire. 就按照你的意思办吧。 Let in sheathing. 镶进夹衬板。 He let go of the pole and let it fall. 他松开那根柱子,让它倒担心的英文: let it rip参考例句: Stop worrying about the money you lent him. You'll get it back. 不要担心下了。 Let's go to the theater. 我们看戏去吧。 Let's cut for dealer. 让咱们切牌来决定由谁先发牌吧。rip是什么意思: v. 撕;猛力扯掉;划破,撕成;拆,纵锯,被撕破,裂开 n. 裂开;裂缝;撕扯,偷窃 rip off; stole from 扯开;偷窃 All the soil cover were ripped. 全部土壤盖层都被剥去了。 They describ it as a 他们用“美丽的偷窃”来形容它。 Carpenters ripped up the old floorboards. 木匠们拆开旧的地板。 The wind had ripped away the clapboards and exposed the studding 风刮掉了护墙板,显露出壁骨材料。 到沪江小D查看不要担心的英文翻译>>翻译推荐: 不要的英文>> 不言而喻的英文怎么说>> 不严厉的英文怎么说>> 不亚于的英文怎么说>> 不逊的英文怎么说>>

  • 担心的英文怎么说

    担心的英文: anxious worried uneasy to worry to be anxious worry参考例句: Don' t worry ! You' ll soon get the hang of it. 别担心!你很快就学会的。 Becky grew apprehensive 贝奇渐渐担心

  • 让人不要担心着急的八种英文表达

    用为截止日期担心,我们可以按时完成的。) 二、表达“不要着急”的方式 Don’t rush. “Don’t rush”是告诫对方不要着急、慌张的说法,适用于各种情境。比如:“Don’t rush, take your time to make a decision.” (不要着急,慢慢考虑做出决定。) Take it easy. “Take it easy”是一种比较随意的表达方式,意思是“放轻松,别着急”。这种说法带有一种舒缓、放松的语气。例如:“Take it easy, there’s no need to rush through this project.” (放轻松,没有必要匆忙完成这个项目。) 三、表达“一切会好起来”的方式 Everything will be okay. “Everything will be okay”是一种安抚性的说法,意味着“一切会好起来”。这个表达常用于安慰他人,让人放心。比如:“Don’t worry, everything will be okay in the end.” (别担心,一切终将会好起来的。) It will all work out. “It will all work out”表示“一切都会解决的”,传达出一种乐观的情绪。当别人感到担忧时,可以使用这担心句话来鼓励他们。比如:“Just trust the process, it will all work out eventually.” (相信这个过程,一切最终都会解决的。) 四、表达“不要慌张”的方式 Don’t panic. “Don’t panic”是告诫对方不要惊慌、慌张的说法。这个表达可以帮助他人保持冷静、理智。例如:“Don’t panic, let’s figure out a solution together.” (不要慌张,让我们一起找出解决方案。) Keep calm. “Keep calm”是提醒对方要保持冷静、镇定的说法。这种说法常用于危急时刻或需要冷静思考的情况。比如:“Keep calm and think carefully before making a decision.” (保持冷静,在做出决定前要仔细考虑。) 五、总结与展望 在日常生活中,表达“让人不要担心着急”是一种重要的社交技能,能够帮助他人缓解焦虑、保持理智。通过本文介绍的八种英文表达方式,读者可以学会如何用不同的方式传达安抚和鼓励的信息,让他人感到宽慰和安心。希望读者在实际交流中能够灵活运用这些表达方式,成为在人际关系中更加体贴和善解人意的交流者。   如果您对英语学习感兴趣,想要深入学习,可以了解沪江网校精品课程,量身定制高效实用的个性化学习方案,专属督导全程伴学,扫一扫领200畅学卡。

  • 过分担心用英文怎么说

    担心的英文: fuss about参考例句: Obsessive worry will never make things any better. 过分的担心

  • Quora精选:不要担心超出能力范围的事

    担心件事超出能力范围了,即使知道,你还是会担心?为什么?问问你自己“为什么?”[/cn] [en]Once you get the answer of this why, (and the answer will be - because I'm stupid! So I worry about things I can't control), and after getting this answer, ask yourself another question "What can I

  • 爱担心VS.乐天派:忧虑来袭时,教你11招

    释道,“他们的思绪转得很快。”[/cn] [en]For instance, say your son comes home with a bad grade. If you're a worrier, you might then worry that this will cause your son to fail the class, which will then [w]impair[/w] him from getting into college. However, if you're a non-worrier, you'll realize that the immediate issue at hand is just that your son needs to study harder in this particular class -- and that's that. "I'm able to say, 'He usually does really well, he's smart, he’s dedicated, he’ll be fine; this is a [w]blip[/w], not a pattern,'" Purdon says. Whereas when worriers become anxious, their "intentional focus narrows to threat cues. They can get themselves very anxious very quickly."[/en][cn]比如,你的儿子考试考砸回到家。如果你是个容易忧虑的人,你可能会担心这会导致孩子最后挂科,可能会影响他上大学。然而,如果你是乐天派,你会意识到当下之急就是小孩需要在这门课上多用点儿功——仅此而已。“我可以说,‘他一直做得很不错,聪明又用功,他没问题的;这

  • 掌握这些再也不担心英文简历不会写

    出色地工作。 Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality. 上进心强又可靠,并且身体健康、性格开朗。 Initiative, independent and good communication skill. 积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能 Be highly organized and efficient. 工作很有条理,办事效率高。 Energetic, fashion-minded person. 精力旺盛、思想新潮。 Able to work under high pressure and time limitation. 能够在高英文压力下和时间限制下进行工作。      当然,夸自己的同时,要避免一些比较空洞的表达:比如具备领导思维(thought leadership)、注重结果(results-driven)、努力工作(hard worker)等。而有些词,则会让你的简历显得更加优秀:比如achieved(取得了)、improved(提高了)、managed(达成了)、resolved(解决了)以及launched(开展了)等等。



  • Quora精选:特朗普当上总统后你最担心什么

    令我担心的就是川普的神志。他表现得像是一个喝了12杯咖啡然后只睡了1小时的松鼠。对于他这么个声称基担心本不睡的人来说,他对复杂事件的思考能力肯定受到了严重的影响。[/cn]   获得136好评的回答@Gabriel Chan [en]“Climate change is a [w]hoax[/w] invented by the Chinese”[/en][cn]“气候变化是中国虚构的骗局。”[/cn] [en]We may have invented a lot of things but we definitely wish this was invented. And perhaps it's [w]rhetoric[/w] but does show that Trump doesn't care about the environment. And that is potentially [w]fatal[/w] to humanity.[/en][cn]我们可能的确发明了很多东西,单绝对不包括这个,我倒是希望气候变化是个骗局。这个当然可能只是演讲时的俏皮话,但它确实突出了川普不在乎环境这一点,而这对全人类来说都可能是个致命的威胁。[/cn]