• 新视野大学英语读写教程2课文翻译unit 4 ATest of True Love

    回头看。 如果我转身,我知道,她会看见我的脸颊上滑落的眼泪。 岁月流逝。转眼到了1957年。 我住在纽约,生活状况与纳粹德国期间的情景相差何止天地。 我做铝栅栏安装和回收的生意,并且发了点小财。 我一个做保险的朋友劝说我与他的一位女性朋友相亲。 我勉强同意了。她人还不错,叫罗玛, 像我一样,她也是移民,因此至少在这一点上我们有共同之处。 “你是在战争期间流亡来到这里的吗?”罗玛用移民相互之间问及那段岁月时所特有的体贴方式柔声细语地问道。 “不是。那时我在德国的集中营里,”我答道。 我没有说明哪个集中营,也没有说其他任何细节。 这个故事太乏味了,因为我已经重复过许多次了。 罗玛的双眼透出若有所思的神色,好像回忆起了某件痛苦而又甜蜜的事情。 “你怎么了?”我问她。 “是这样,我小时候住在集中营附近。 那儿有一个男孩,一个小囚犯,有很长一段时间我每天都去看他。 我记得我常常带苹果去扔给他。 我把苹果从铁丝网上扔过去,那时他会非常开心。” 我的心猛地一下子剧烈地跳动起来。我凝视着她问:“是不是那个男孩有一天对你说‘明天别新视野大学英语第二册Unit 4课文翻译 大给我带苹果了。我将被押往另外一个集中营’?” “没错,是啊,”罗玛用颤抖的声音应道。 “但你怎么会知道的?” 我从桌边站起身来,拥抱着她说:“因为我就是那个小男孩,罗玛。”

  • 新视野大学英语读写教程2课文翻译Unit 2 Learning the Olympic...

    服用类固醇。除了在谣言中,他从未和使用药物的丑闻联系在一起过。 凭着对运动的持续奉献和对竞技的热爱,刘易斯消除了人们对径赛项目的一些疑虑,阻止了汉城奥运会后民众对奥运会支持下降的颓势。 他以自己的不断努力和对短跑与跳远的诚实参与向世界证明,奥林匹克精神并未消亡。 1992年,刘易斯第三次参加奥运会,并在跳远和4×100米接力赛中获得两枚金牌。他在公众中所受到的欢迎不亚于一位国王受到的礼遇。 令人惊叹的卡尔·刘易斯已经证明自己不同于历史上任何一位运动员。这并不是因为他能获胜,而是因为他能诚实地获胜,他热爱竞争,他能在最长的时间里做出最大的努力。 他对体育竞技的热爱真新视野大学英语正为奥林匹克的卓越设立了新的标准。 

  • 新视野大学英语3读写教程课文unit6 How to Prepare for Earthquake

    气态元素) wax vi. 变大,增强 n. 蜡 destruction n. 破坏,摧毁 withstand vt. 经受,承受,顶住 weld vt. 焊接 joint n. 1.接头,接缝,接合处 2.关节 a. 共有的,联合的 architect n. 建筑师,设计师 column n. 1.圆柱,石柱,碑 2.(印刷品每页上的)列,栏 horizontal a. 与地平线平行的,平的,水平的 beam n. 1.梁,横梁 2.光束,射束 vi. 1.愉快地微笑 2.发光,发热 vt. 播送(消息、电视节目等) vertical a. 垂直的,竖的,立式的 pillar n. 1.柱子,柱状

  • 新视野大学英语2读写教程教案unit 5 Stop Spoiling Your Children

    即把信送去。 This phrase can also be used figuratively to refer to time, meaning: near in time. The end –of-term exam is at hand. 期末考试近在眼前。 4. I pick them up,…(Para.1) Pick up: lift sth. Or sb. From a surface The boy picked up a stone and threw it at the window.男孩捡起一块石头朝窗户扔去。 I picked up the telephone and rang her number.我那

  • 新视野大学英语1读写教程教案unit 7 Face to Face with Guns

    resources. 3. Typical patterns for suggestion 原句: Presently, all we can do is look at smug shots and stick our fingers in the dam. (L. 63) 而目前,我们所能做的就是看看罪犯的照片,并参与到构筑抑制犯罪的大坝中去。 句型提炼 All (that) sb could/can do is (to) do sth. 某人所能做的事是…… 应用: a. 作为大学生,你现在所能做的事情就是全身心地获取知识。 As a student, all you’ve got

  • 新视野大学英语读写教程2课文翻译Unit 1 Time-Conscious Americans

    在你感到自在了,你已经适应了新的文化。 文化冲击是生活在异国他乡的人无法避免的东西。 当你在经历文化冲击的这四个阶段时,它似乎并不是一件有益的事。 然而,当你完全适应了某一种新的文化时,你会更加充分地喜爱这种文化的。 你学会了如何和他人交流,而且还了解了不同文化背景下人们的大量生活情况。 此外,了解其他各种文化,以及懂得当你身处其中时如何去适应所新视野大学英语受到的冲击,可以帮助你更好地了解自己。 

  • 新视野大学英语2读写教程教案unit 2 Environmental Protection

    country house 村舍周围的广阔庭院 (12)remaining: a still existing ,still present ,that is left Mix the remaining ingredients .将剩下的配料搅拌一下。 (13)conflict :n {C U}(of opinion ,desires, etc) opposition :difference :clash It is not surprising that such a view has led to great conflict .一种观点引起了很大的意见分歧是不足为怪的。 (14)Heavy

  • 新视野大学英语2读写教程教案unit 7 Lighten Your Load

    Unit Seven Section A Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life Teaching objective: to teach the students how to use some new words and phrases, typical sentence structures out of the text; to practice the students’ skill of translating and summarizing; and to get the students know how to relieve their stress in study and life. Questions for discussion 1. Do you often experience stress in your study or everyday life? 2. How do you get rid of it? Teaching process: Step One: Warm up activity Background information: Benjamin (Ben) Franklin, a very famous American of the 1700’s best known for his experiments with electricity and nature using kites. Step Two: Text analysis 1. Central topic: Centering around how to lighten your load and save your life, the passage analyzes the root of stress and provides the ways of reducing stress according to the study of Dr. Robert S. Eliot of Nebraska University. Part I (Paras.1-7): The relation between stress and health discovered by Dr. Robert S. Eliot. Part II (Paras. 8-11): The root of stress. Part III (Paras. 12-20): The ways of lightening the load. 2. Major writing techniques 1) Quotation 2) Exemplification 3) Cause and effect Step Three Words and Phrases 1. be overwhelmed with / by; overwhelming / irresistible / overpowering / devastating 2. out of control: beyond control / under control 3. among other things: to name a few She’s very keen on sports: among other things, she plays tennis once a week. 4. excess: extra / additional; excessive: too much; exceed / surpass / excel / top excess: amount that is more than necessary Inflation results from an excess of demand over supply. excessive / exceed / access excel ( excellent ) / surpass / exceed / in excess of 超过, 多于/ access To excel in something is to be very good at it. People excel in different things. In international competitions, the Chinese excel in (at) table-tennis and badminton. surpass vt 越过,超过;凌驾 The task surpassed his skill. The cost will not exceed $50. 费用不会超过50美元。 The results of the competition exceeded our expectations. 比赛的结果比我们预料的好。 5. 1) attribute to = owe … to 归因于,认为是……的结果 The heavy snow attributed the delay of our school bus this morning. 因下雪而耽搁 David attributed his company's success to the unity of all the staff and their persevering hard work. 大卫说他们公司之所以获得成功是由于全体员工的团结和坚持不懈努力工作的结果。 2) contribute vt. 贡献出; 投(稿); 捐赠(款项等) contribute to the Red Cross 向红十字会捐献 contribute to a literary journal 向文学杂志投稿 Drink contributed to his ruin. 酗酒促使他毁灭。 They contributed food and clothing for the refugees. 他们向难民捐赠食品和

  • 新视野大学英语2读写教程教案unit 6 Judge by Appearances

    New Horizon College English (Book 2) Unit 6 Contents Section A As His Name Is, So Is He! Section B Judge by Appearances Section C The Pain in Wearing High Heels Objectives Students will be able to: 1. have a better understanding of the influence of names on people; 2. master the key language points grammatical structures in the text; 3. develop their ability in expressing their ideas in both spoken and written form; 4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. Section A As His Name Is, So Is He! I. Background Information II. Warm-Up Activities III. Understanding the Text IV. Words and Expressions V. Speaking Activities Homework I. Background Information 1.About names: For this reading passage, we have many proper names, which contain cultural background. The following websites might offer you a lot of information you may be interested in. 2. The Bible: II. Warm-Up Activities 1). Is there any story about your name? Tell us the story. 2). Why are people so careful when giving a baby a name? 3). What do you know about these people from their names? Survey findings: •Susan: The most attractive female name •Richard: Most attractive •David: Most attractive •Harry: Sound dull III. Understanding the Text 1. Questions for Discussion Work in groups and answer the following questions according to the passage. 1) Did Debbie like her former name? Why? Or why not? 2) According to Debbie, what difference did it make when she substituted her middle name, Lynne, for her first Debbie? 3) What did the writer think of Debbie’s name change? 4) According to the writer, why did one prominent magazine consistently refuse to print “Joe” in his byline? 5) In para5, why was the woman ill at ease? 6) Why did the writer say that we were all guilty of name stereotyping to some extent? 7) How can name-based prejudices affect classroom achievement? 8) According to the writer, what can you do if your name doesn’t seem to fit you? 2. Text Structure Analysis Central topic: The influence of names on people Main ideas of each paragraph Para. 1: Debbie does not feel good about her name. Para. 2: Her change of name helped bring success to her career. Para. 3: It is important to have the right name because it suggests certain qualities. Para. 4: Names are attached to specific images. Para. 5: Names with a positive sense can work for people, even encourage new acquaintances. Para. 6: People are sometimes guilty of name stereotyping in relation to names. Para. 7: Prejudices against or in favor of certain names can affect students’ classroom achievements, objectively graded IQ and popularity with their peers. Para. 8: If you think your name does not suit you, you can change your old name. IV. Words & Expressions ation n. Free information will be sent out an application to the office. Students learned the practical application of the theory. ate. He is not a friend but an associate. 他是同事,而不是朋友。 They were closely associated during the war. 战争期间他们的关系很密切。 e n. A few drinks broke through his reserve. 几杯酒下肚他就打开了话匣子。 the gold reserve 黄金储备 y. Tom is well qualified for the job. 汤姆很有资格做这份工作。 refine one’s language 使某人的语言更为文雅 Oil is industrially refined. 燃料油是经工业提炼而成的。 ntance n. He has a wide circle of acquaintances. 他交际甚广。 He has some little acquaintance with the Japanese language. 他略懂一些日语。 type The police have been criticized for having stereotyped images of black people. 有人批评警方对黑人有