在马丁·斯科西斯(Martin Scorsese)执导的新片《华尔街之狼》(The Wolf of Wall Street)中担任女主角。该片男主角是由莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)扮演的一个名叫乔丹·贝尔福特(Jordan Belfort)的华尔街操盘手,而玛格丽特则扮演他的妻子——娜丁(Nadine)。 罗比早前曾以甜心空姐劳伦(Lauren)的形象出现在ABC台的剧集《泛美航空》(Pan Am)中,这位来自澳洲的金发美女接下来还将出演电影《关于时间》(About Time)以及澳大利亚电视剧《邻居》(Neighbours)。 《华尔街之狼》改编自特伦斯·温特
《华尔街之狼》首曝片场照 莱昂纳多精英范儿十足
Leonardo DiCaprio gets into character on the set of his [w]upcoming[/w] film, The Wolf of Wall Street, on Saturday (August 25) in New York City. The 37-year-old actor looked handsome in a suit as he exited a building while shooting a scene. The Wolf of Wall Street is about a New York [w]stockbroker[/w] who refuses to cooperate in a large security [w]fraud[/w] case involving [w]corruption[/w] on Wall Street and mob [w]infiltration[/w]. The flick is set to hit theaters next year and also stars Jonah Hill and Matthew McConaughey. 沪江娱乐快讯:日前正在纽约热拍的《华尔街之狼》首曝片场照。片场照中的莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥身着灰色西服套装,看上去英气逼人,并不时潇洒地手插裤袋,很有华尔街精英的派头,尽显华尔街金融才子的风范。 《华尔街之狼》改编自美国传奇股票经纪乔丹·贝尔福特(Jordan Belfort)的自传。90年代初,贝尔福特曾经在三分钟内赚取过1200万美元,31岁的时候便拥有亿万家产。但成功却令他冲昏了头脑,毒品和酒色更是令他丧失自我,最终他通过一间公司进行股票交易,诈骗了投资者2亿美元,把自己送进了监狱。 在影片中与小李搭档的还有男星乔纳·希尔和马修·麦康纳。
莱昂纳多曝出新恋情 拍摄《华尔街之狼》与女演员擦出火花
[en]It looks like Leo has found romance again - this time with gorgeous Australian actress Margot Robbie. [/en][cn]看来我们的小李子又有新恋情啦——这次是和美丽的澳大利亚女演员马格特·罗比。[/cn] [en]The young blonde beauty and Titanic [w=heartthrob]heartthrob[/w] Leonardo DiCaprio are currently filming The Wolf Of Wall Street together, and first met on the set.[/en][cn] 这位年轻的金发美女和泰坦尼克号的万人迷莱昂纳多最近一起出演电影《华尔街之狼》,并在片场首次见面。[/cn] [en]A source told the New York Post that Leo had 'stayed overnight' at 22-year-old Margot's New York City apartment last week.[/en][cn]有知情人告诉《纽约邮报》,上周莱昂和22岁的马格特
马丁•斯科塞斯&莱昂纳多五度合作 《华尔街之狼》8月开机
到了红色花岗岩制片公司(Red Granite Pictures)的官方确认,这部关于股票经纪乔丹·贝尔福特(Jordan Belfort)传奇人生的传记片将于8月在纽约开拍。 《华尔街之狼》改编自美国传奇股票经纪人乔丹·贝尔福特的自传。90年代初,贝尔福特曾经在三分钟内赚取过1200万美元,31岁的时候便拥有亿万家产。但成功却令他冲昏了头脑,毒品和酒色更是令他丧失自我,最终他通过一间公司进行股票交易,诈骗了投资者2亿美元,把自己送
《华尔街之狼》首曝预告 莱昂纳多五度合作马丁冲奥(新片速递)
华尔街之狼进了监狱。这位有着如此跌宕起伏人生经历的金融才子想必是一向青睐深度角色的小李所爱。 The Wolf of Wall Street is an upcoming [w]biographical[/w] crime drama film directed by Martin
华尔街的英文: Wall Street参考例句: They both have their "two commas" after floating their infant Internet businesses on Wall Street. 将初具规模的互联网公司拿到华尔街
[en]Wall Street has undergone a [w]radical[/w] face lift, but finance industry [w=recruiter]recruiters[/w] are expected to stick to roughly the same formula when looking to fill entry-level positions with college graduates in the future.[/en][cn]华尔街已经彻底改头换面了。不过,金融业招聘人士在寻找大学毕业生填补初级职位空缺的时候,预计仍将坚持与以往大致相同的甄选原则。[/cn] [en]Wealth management, investment banking and research are expected to see a hiring [w]surge[/w] in the coming years, according to Joseph Logan, founder and managing director of Pinnacle Group International. [/en][cn]Pinnacle Group International创始人兼董事总经理约瑟夫•洛根表示,财富管理、投资银行和研究领域有望在未来几年掀起招聘热潮。[/cn] [en]“A strong background in accounting plus financial knowledge in [w]uation[/w] is the key-and being well-rounded will help a lot,”says David Smith, an associate professor at the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia who specializes in corporate finance and banking. [/en][cn]会计和财务估值方华尔街面的过硬背景是应聘成功的关键,知识全面也会大有帮助,”弗吉尼亚大学麦金太尔商学院专门从事企业财务和银行业研究的副教授史密斯表示。[/cn] [en]Mr. Smith, who helps prepare students for finance job interviews, advises the students who want to head to Wall Street to [w]eschew[/w] finance [w=fad]fads[/w] like the current demand in [w=restructure]restructuring[/w] or credit [w=derivative]derivatives[/w] which were hot two years ago and focus on becoming fluent in accounting and financial uation fundamentals that are applicable to any specialty. As the economy recovers more traditional financial services functions, such as [w=merger]mergers[/w] and [w=acquisition]acquisitions[/w] [w]advisory[/w] will make a [w]comeback[/w].[/en][cn]史密斯帮助学生们为金融职位面试做准备。他向那些希望在华尔街发展的学生们建议说,要避开金融业一时的潮流,比如眼下对两年前颇为流行的重组或者信用衍生品方面的人才需求,而将目光集中在像会计和财务估值基本知识这样适用于所有金融领域的研究。随着经济的复苏,那些更为传统的金融服务业务比如并购咨询行业将重新焕发活力。[/cn] [en]Since most of the small firms lack the [w]infrastructure[/w] to train new hires as intensely as their larger [w=rival]rivals[/w], finance or business majors could be more attractive than an English or history concentration, says Barbara Hewitt, senior associate director of the career services center of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.[/en][cn]由于大多数小公司缺少像大公司那样对新员工进行严格培训的组织结构,金融或商业专业的毕业生可能比英语或历史专业的毕业生更受青睐,宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院职业服务中心高级副主任休伊特表示。[/cn] [en]Students at liberal arts schools that don't offer intensive finance and accounting classes can develop a solid entry-level finance resume by enrolling in basic accounting and macro and micro economic courses. They can also [w]bulk up[/w] on the more technical areas of finance by enrolling in summer classes at other institutions.[/en][cn]在没有金融、会计高级课程的文科院校读书的学生们通过注册学习基础的会计和宏观、微观经济学课程也能拥有一份适合金融业初级职位的简历。他们还可以通过报名参加其他学校的夏季课程增强自己对更为专业的金融学知识的掌握。[/cn] [en]Fields like risk management may be gaining [w]traction[/w] on Wall Street today in the wake of the financial crisis. Employers have also been posting more positions in risk management these years than before. [/en][cn]在金融危机爆发后,像风险管理这样的领域或许正在华尔街日渐走红。今几年各大公司在风险管理方面的招聘职位也多过往年。[/cn]
常春藤名校生: 宁愿教书不进华尔街?
but lost out to Matthew McConaughey who starred in Dallas Buyers Club.[/en][cn]周日奥斯卡颁奖典礼,凭借《华尔街之狼》提名最佳男主角的莱昂败给了出演《达拉斯买家俱乐部》的马修·麦康纳。[/cn] [en]The LA native has been nominated three times before: in 1994 for What's Eating Gilbert Grape, in 2005 for The Aviator, and in 2007 for Blood Diamond.[/en][cn]来自洛杉矶的莱昂纳多此前提名了三次:1994年的《不一样的天空》,2005年的《飞行家》和2007年的《血钻》。[/cn]
职场岗位术语:Events Planner
Events Planner 市场营销中哪个岗位最好玩呢?当然是Events planner(活动策划)。 大的比如说是奥运会、世界杯,平常的比如说商城的集会、街头的快闪、双11,小的比如说促销活动,这些都是Events planner平常工作的日常。这样的活动策划一般涉及人群广且能直接地看到我们的用户会有什么反馈,做完之后会很有成就感的。 我们来看2个例句: Now, she is trying to reinvent herself as an events planner. 现街在她正努力朝活动策划人的方向发展。 Now, five years later, she's a special events planner for museums. 现在五年过去了,她是一名博物馆特别活动策划者。 20节BEC初级、中级、高级课程 学前测试、词汇课、各级别专项课 还有考前冲刺 点击立即免费听>> 你适合考哪个级别?BEC好不好学 2个月后考试是否能顺利通过 一听即知! 0元试学BEC初级中级高级课程 点击立即免费试学>> 点击立即免费试学>>> 祝大家顺利拿证~