, and sometimes an indirect boast."[/en][cn]达西说:“假装谦虚偏偏往往就是信口开河,有时候简直是转弯抹角的自夸?”[/cn] [en]"And which of the two do you call my little recent piece of modesty?"[/en][cn]“那么,我刚刚那几句谦虚的话,究竟是信口开河呢,还是转弯抹角的自夸?”[/cn] [en]"The indirect boast; -- for you are really proud of your defects in writing, because you
才是最糟糕的。我也是到肯特郡去过以后才知道事实真相的,我回来以后,和简讲了,我们俩决定不把我们了解的情况公开。现在我认识到我犯了一个错误。我从未想到过丽迪亚会受到他的威胁。”[/cn] [en]When they arrived at Longbourn, Elizabeth and her aunt were able to help Jane in looking after the children. They also attempted to calm Mrs Bennet, who, however, refused to be calmed, and blamed everyone except herself for the disaster. [/en][cn]到了浪搏恩后,伊丽莎白和舅母帮着简照看孩子们。她们也努力安慰班纳特太太,而她拒绝接受安慰,把酿成灾祸的过错都推到了别人身上,觉得就她一个人没错。[/cn] 解析:blame 责备、归咎于 eg: I don't blame you for being angry. 我不怪你生气。
如你不赶快来打个圆场,他就要改变主意,反过来不要她了。”[/cn] [en]Mr. Bennet raised his eyes from his book as she entered, and fixed them on her face with a calm unconcern which was not in the least altered by her communication.[/en][cn]班纳特先生见她走进来,便从书本上抬起眼睛,安然自得、漠不关心地望着她脸上。他听了她的话,完全不动声色。 [/cn] [en]"I have not the pleasure of understanding you," said he, when she had finished her speech. "Of what are you talking?"[/en][cn]她
in general understand Wickham's character."[/en][cn]“的确如此,我确实不应该说得那么刻毒,可是我既然事先存了偏见,自然难免如此。有件事我要请教你。你说我应该不应该把韦翰的品格说出去,让朋友们都知道?”[/cn] [en]Miss Bennet paused a little and then replied, "Surely there can be no occasion for exposing him so [w]dreadfully[/w]. What is your own opinion?"[/en][cn]班纳特小姐想了一会儿才说道
们说吧,我们老夫妻活到这么一把年纪了,哪儿有兴致天天去交朋结友;可是为了你们,我们随便什么事都乐意去做。丽迪雅,乖宝贝,虽然你年纪最小,开起跳舞会来,彬格莱先生或许就偏偏要跟你跳呢。”[/cn] [en]"Oh!" said Lydia [w]stoutly[/w], "I am not afraid; for though I am the youngest, I'm the tallest."[/en][cn]“噢!”丽迪雅满不在乎地说。“我才不当它一回事。年纪虽然是我最小,个儿算我顶高。”[/cn] [en]The rest of the evening was spent in [w
要付给他们俩一百镑,可是事实上他每年还损失不了十镑,因为丽迪雅在家里也要吃用开销,外加她母亲还要贴钱给她花,计算起来每年几乎也不下于一百镑。[/cn] [en]That it would be done with such [w]trifling[/w] [w]exertion[/w] on his side, too, was another very welcome surprise; for his chief wish at present was to have as little trouble in the business as possible. When the first