作为Marshal Mallow的声优出演明年上映动画音乐家庭电影《奥兹国的桃乐西》。[/cn] [en]Patrick Stewart, Martin Short and Lea Michele also feature in the film. [/en][cn]帕特里克·斯图尔特、马丁·肖特和丽亚·米雪儿也将
2013-01-09 -
基本信息: 中文名:国土安全 外国土安全文名:Homeland 出品公司:Showtime Networks Inc 制片地区:美国 首播时间 2011年10月2日 编剧:霍华德·戈登,阿莱克斯·甘萨 主演:克莱尔·丹妮斯,戴米恩·路易斯,曼迪·帕廷金,莫瑞娜·巴卡琳,鲁伯特·弗兰德 集数:四季(第五季续订)单季12集 每集长度:约48~65分钟 类型:剧情,反恐, 悬疑,谍战 第五季预告: 剧情简介: [en]Homeland is an American political thriller television series developed by Howard Gordon and Alex Gansa based on the Israeli series Hatufim (English title: Prisoners of War), which was created by Gideon Raff. The series stars Claire Danes as Carrie Mathison, a Central Intelligence Agency officer with bipolar disorder, and, from seasons 1 through 3, Damian Lewis as Nicholas Brody, a United States Marine Corps Scout Sniper. Mathison had come to believe that Brody, who was held captive by al-Qaeda as a prisoner of war, was "turned" by the enemy and poses a threat to the United States. The series is broadcast in the U.S. on the cable channel Showtime, and is produced by Fox 21 Television Studios (formerly Fox 21). It premiered on October 2, 2011. The first episode was made available online, more than two weeks before television broadcast, with viewers having to complete game tasks to gain access.[/en][cn]《国土安全》是一部美国政治惊险电视连续剧,由霍华德·戈登和阿莱克斯·甘萨制作,根据吉登·拉弗导演的以色列电视连续剧《Hatufim》(英文名:《战俘》)改编。 在该电视剧中,克莱尔·丹妮斯饰演凯丽·玛西森,是一位患有躁狂症的中央情报局的官员。在第一季至第三季中,戴米恩·路易斯饰演尼古拉斯·布洛迪,是一位美国海军陆战队的侦查狙击手。玛西森渐渐认为基地组织复活的战俘布洛迪已经“变节”并对美国产生了威胁。 该电视连续剧在美国有线电视频道播出,由福克斯21演播室(前福克斯21)制作,于2011年10月2日首播。第一集可在线观看,而在超过电视播出两星期前观众不得不靠完成游戏任务赚取观看机会。[/cn]
[en]New seasons of Homeland and The Affair are just 10 weeks away! The Showtime hits will premiere back to back on Sunday, Oct. 4 starting at 9/8c, the network announced via Twitter below.[/en][cn]距离《国土安全》和《婚外情》新季回归只有十周了!Showtime电视网在Twitter上公布了这两部美剧回归的日期,10月4日晚![/cn] Twitter原文: #Homeland & #TheAffair will premiere on Sunday, Oct. 4 starting at 9pm! And check out the poster art for #Homeland. GVlbpbUKF — SHO_PR (@SHO_PR) July 23, 2015 [en]Season 2 of The Affair takes place in the aftermath of Noah (Dominic West) and Alison's (Ruth Wilson) affair and Scotty's murder, for which we saw Noah get arrested in the Season 1 finale.[/en][cn]《婚外情》第二季将会讲述Noah和Alison发生婚外情后以及Scotty被杀之后的故事,我们在第一季结局中看到Noah被捕。[/cn] [en]Homeland, meanwhile, picks up two and a half years after the events of Season 4, with Carrie no longer working for the CIA.[/en][cn]《国土安全》则会讲述第四季结局故事的2年半之后的故事,此时的Carrie已经不国土安全再为CIA工作了。[/cn]
听到Brody的声音在说:“Carrie知道我在这里吗?”[/cn] [en]His distinctive tone also utters: ‘I'm almost here,’ as well as ‘I need my passport,’ and ‘I just need to get my strength back.’[/en][cn]Brody非常有辨识度的声音还在诉说着:“我快到了” “我要我的护照” “我得恢复下国土安全体力” 等。[/cn] [en]The promo indicates that the government are still looking for Brody and an [w]unidentified[/w] voice claims: ‘We don't know where he is.’[/en][cn]预告片中还说明政府也在寻找Brody,因为有一个无法识别的声音在说:“我们不知道他在哪里。” [/cn]
[en]Homeland producer Henry Bromell died Monday of a heart attack, Deadline reports. He was 66.[/en][cn]Deadline报道,《国土安全》制片人Henry Bromell在周一因心脏病发去世,享年66岁。[/cn] [en]Bromell went to the hospital Monday afternoon because he was not feeling well and suffered the heart attack there, according to the site.[/en][cn]根据该站报道,周一下午Bromell感到不适赶往医院,到医院后心脏病发。[/cn] [en]Bromell had worked on Homeland since its inception, first as a consulting producer and then an executive producer. He shared in the show's Best Drama Series Emmy win last year.[/en][cn]Bromell从《国土安全》筹划时期就在为该剧奔波,从顾问制片人做到执行制片人。在他的带领下,该剧在去年拿国土安全下了艾美奖的最佳剧情类剧集。[/cn] [en]"We were lucky to work with Henry on and off for the past 18 years," 20th Century Fox TV said in a statement. "He was a supremely talented writer and as kind and warm a person as you could ever meet. He will be deeply missed at the studio and on Homeland. Our hearts and prayers go out to his wife and children."[/en][cn]20世纪福克斯电视制片公司发表声明说:“过去18年,我们有幸和Henry共事。他是一位极具天赋的编剧,也是个待人非常友善的人。整个制片公司和《国土安全》剧组都会深深地思念他,并向他的妻儿献上我们最美好的祈祷与祝福。”[/cn]
[en]Showtime has renewed Homeland and The Affair. The pair of dramas, currently airing together on Sunday night, will get a [w]respective[/w] fifth and second season in 2015.[/en][cn]Showtime电视台宣布续订《国土安全》和《婚外情》。这两部美剧目前都在周日晚播出,他们将会在2015年分别迎来他们的第五和第二季。[/cn] [en]Neither piece of news comes as much
动上,在问到《国土安全》第五季相关消息时,幕后团队给了粉丝们一个爆炸性的消息。[/cn] [en]Alex Gansa, the co-creator of the acclaimed Showtime drama, revealed during the panel that the upcoming season will "jump two-and-a-half years" in the future. "We are going to be shooting the show in Europe, probably in Germany, and Carrie will no longer be an [w]intelligence[/w] officer," he said.[/en][cn]该剧的联合制片人Alex Gansa表示,这部美剧第五季将会讲述未来两年后的故事。“我们将会在欧洲拍摄,很有可能是德国,而Carrie也不再是CIA的精英特工。”[/cn] [en]Claire Danes, who stars as Carrie and executive-produces, joked, "She's making beer."[/en][cn]在剧中扮演女主Carrie同时也担任执行会长骗人的Claire Daes开玩笑说,“她会在德国做啤酒。”[/cn]
会被调国土安全整到冬季档,定档1月15日开播。《国土安全》第六季将会揭露Peter Quinn第五季留下的巨大悬念。新季将会发生在纽约,聚焦在美国的总统选举上,Elizabeth Marvel将会扮演总统参选人。[/cn] [en]Billions, which also stars Homeland alum Damian Lewis, will kick off its second season on Feb. 19 at 10/9c.[/en][cn]而由《国土安全》明星Damian Lewis参演的《亿万》将会在2月19日开播第二季。[/cn]
我们一样觉得它好国土安全看了。[/cn] [en]So what are your thoughts on season three? Are you as into it as we are ? [/en][cn]看到这里,你有什么对《国土安全》第三季的想法吗?你会和我们一样爱上第三季吗?[/cn] (本文由沪江网携手乐视美剧共同推出,转载请注明出处)